MySQL DAY Function
MySQL DAY() Function The DAY() function in MySQL extracts the day (as a number) from a given date or datetime value. It returns an integer between 1…
MySQL DAY() Function The DAY() function in MySQL extracts the day (as a number) from a given date or datetime value. It returns an integer between 1…
MySQL MONTH() Function The MONTH() function in MySQL extracts the month (as a number) from a given date or datetime value. It returns an integer bet…
Sass Basics Introduction Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is a powerful CSS preprocessor that enhances CSS with variables, nesting, mixins, f…
How to Host a Website on GitHub For Free? 🚀 Step 1: Create a GitHub Account If you don't have a GitHub account, create one using GitHub Signup …
MySQL DATE_SUB() Function The DATE_SUB() function in MySQL is used to subtract an interval of time from a specified date or datetime value. It’s par…
MySQL SHOW WARNINGS Statement The SHOW WARNINGS statement in MySQL is used to display diagnostic messages such as warnings, errors, and notes genera…
MySQL STR_TO_DATE() Function The STR_TO_DATE() function in MySQL converts a string into a date or datetime value using a specified format. This is p…
MySQL DROP INDEX The DROP INDEX statement is used to delete an index from a table in MySQL. Indexes improve query performance, but there are scenari…
How to Manage and Create MySQL Users, Databases, and Tables Managing users, databases, and tables is an essential part of working with MySQL. This gu…
How to Create a New User and Grant Permissions in MySQL Creating a new user and granting the appropriate permissions is an essential part of managing…
Changing User Password in MySQL Changing a user’s password in MySQL can be done using the ALTER USER or SET PASSWORD command, depending on your MyS…
MySQL WEEK() Function The WEEK() function in MySQL is used to extract the week number from a given date. It returns the week number for the date, wh…
MySQL Variables MySQL provides variables that are used to store values temporarily during a session. These variables can be categorized into two mai…
Modifying MySQL Events MySQL events allow you to automate tasks at scheduled intervals, much like cron jobs or scheduled tasks in other systems. You…
Listing Stored Procedures in MySQL To list all stored procedures in a MySQL database, you can query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table, which sto…
MySQL COALESCE Function The COALESCE function in MySQL returns the first non-NULL value from a list of expressions. It is commonly used for handling…
MySQL DAYNAME() Function The DAYNAME() function in MySQL is used to return the name of the day of the week for a given date. It’s a straightforward …
MySQL DAYOFWEEK Function The DAYOFWEEK function in MySQL returns the weekday index for a given date. The index ranges from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday…
MySQL EXTRACT() Function The EXTRACT() function in MySQL is a powerful tool for retrieving specific parts (like the year, month, day, hour, etc.) fr…
MySQL TIMEDIFF Function The TIMEDIFF function in MySQL calculates the difference between two time or datetime values and returns the result as a TIM…
MySQL LAST_DAY Function The LAST_DAY function in MySQL retrieves the last day of the month for a given date. This function is particularly useful wh…
MySQL Window Functions Window functions in MySQL are a powerful set of functions that allow you to perform calculations across a set of table rows t…
Creating FULLTEXT Indexes for Full-Text Search in MySQL To efficiently perform full-text searches in MySQL, you need to create a FULLTEXT index on t…
MySQL Natural Language Full-Text Searches MySQL Natural Language Full-Text Search (NLF) is a full-text search mode where the database uses the text …
MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches provide a way to perform text searches within columns that are indexed with a full…
MySQL Query Expansion Query Expansion in MySQL is a technique used to improve search results, particularly for full-text searches. It involves expan…
MySQL ngram Full-Text Parser The ngram full-text parser in MySQL is a specialized parser used for full-text indexing and searching, particularly for…
MySQL FORMAT Function The FORMAT() function in MySQL is used to format numbers in a specific way, including decimal places and the grouping of tho…
How To Delete Duplicate Rows in MySQL Duplicate rows in a table can cause data inconsistencies and affect the integrity of your database. Deleting du…
MySQL ROW_NUMBER Function The ROW_NUMBER() function in MySQL is a window function introduced in MySQL 8.0 . It assigns a unique sequential integer t…