Drag and Drop with JavaScript
Drag and Drop with JavaScript The Drag and Drop API allows users to drag elements on a webpage and drop them into different locations. It's u…
Drag and Drop with JavaScript The Drag and Drop API allows users to drag elements on a webpage and drop them into different locations. It's u…
Shadow DOM & Events in JavaScript The Shadow DOM is a way to encapsulate styles and functionality inside a web component, preventing conflicts …
Introduction to Browser Events in JavaScript In JavaScript, events allow you to interact with a webpage by detecting user actions like clicks, key …
JavaScript Keyboard Events: keydown & keyup JavaScript provides keyboard event listeners to detect when a key is pressed or released. The main…
MutationObserver in JavaScript The MutationObserver API allows you to watch for changes in the DOM (Document Object Model). It is useful for tracki…
Scheduling in JavaScript: setTimeout & setInterval JavaScript provides two main scheduling functions to execute code after a delay or repeated…
JavaScript Modules (ES6 Modules) JavaScript modules allow you to split code into smaller, reusable files and import them where needed. This helps o…
TextDecoder and TextEncoder in JavaScript JavaScript provides TextDecoder and TextEncoder to work with text encoding and decoding , especially whe…
The Old var in JavaScript: Why You Should Avoid It In JavaScript, the the var keyword was historically used to declare variables. However, with t…
JavaScript RegExp (Regular Expressions) Regular Expressions ( RegExp ) in JavaScript allow pattern matching and text manipulation. They are commonly…
JavaScript Canvas The HTML <canvas> element is used to draw graphics on the fly via JavaScript. It can be used for rendering shapes, images, …
JavaScript Simple Actions In JavaScript, simple actions are typically straightforward tasks such as manipulating elements, responding to events, or …
JavaScript Events In JavaScript, events are actions or occurrences that happen in the system, often as a result of user interactions or other trigge…
JavaScript Arrays An array is a special type of object used to store multiple values in a single variable. In JavaScript, arrays can hold items of …
CSS Animations in JavaScript CSS animations allow you to create smooth transitions between different styles of an element. These animations can be t…
JavaScript Math Object The Math Object in JavaScript provides a collection of mathematical functions and constants. It is a built-in object and doe…
Symbol Types in JavaScript Symbols are a primitive data type introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6). A Symbol is a unique and immutable value that can be…
Async/Await in JavaScript async and await are modern JavaScript features that simplify working with asynchronous code, making it easier to read an…
JavaScript Window Sizes and Scrolling In JavaScript, you can interact with and manipulate the dimensions of the window and the scrolling behavior of…
JavaScript Blob A Blob (Binary Large Object) in JavaScript is used to represent raw binary data. It allows you to handle files or binary data in we…
toJSON() Method in JavaScript In JavaScript, the toJSON() method is used to customize the serialization of an object when it is converted to a JSO…
F.prototype in JavaScript In JavaScript, F.prototype refers to the prototype object of a function F . The prototype is an object that is automat…
Shadow DOM Styling in JavaScript The Shadow DOM is a web standard that allows developers to encapsulate the internal structure and style of an elem…
Native Prototypes in JavaScript In JavaScript, prototypes are a fundamental part of its object-oriented structure. Every JavaScript object has a pr…
Destructuring Assignment in JavaScript Destructuring is a convenient way to extract values from arrays or objects and assign them to variables using…
Character Classes in JavaScript In JavaScript, character classes are used in regular expressions (regex) to match a specific set or range of chara…
Attributes vs Properties in JavaScript In JavaScript, attributes and properties are terms commonly used to refer to different aspects of HTML elem…
JavaScript Variable Scope In JavaScript, scope refers to the visibility and lifetime of variables within different parts of your code. It defines …
Cross-Window Communication in JavaScript Cross-window communication refers to the ability to send and receive messages between different browser win…
Greedy vs Lazy Quantifiers in JavaScript Regular Expressions In JavaScript regular expressions, greedy and lazy quantifiers determine how much of …
JavaScript with DOM (Document Object Model) The Document Object Model (DOM) allows JavaScript to access, modify, and manipulate HTML and CSS dyna…
Getting Started with JavaScript JavaScript (JS) is a powerful programming language used for making websites interactive. It runs in the browser a…
JavaScript File & FileReader API 📂 JavaScript’s File API and FileReader API allow web applications to read, preview, and process files (e.g…
JavaScript Garbage Collection JavaScript has automatic garbage collection (GC) , meaning developers don’t manually allocate and free memory like in…
ArrayBuffer & Binary Arrays in JavaScript What is ArrayBuffer ? ArrayBuffer is a low-level binary data structure that allows you to store raw…
JavaScript IndexedDB IndexedDB is a low-level client-side database that allows large amounts of structured data to be stored in the browser. It is…
JavaScript Operators Explained JavaScript operators are symbols that perform operations on variables and values. They can be categorized into differ…
Async and defer in JavaScript Script Tags When adding JavaScript files to an HTML document using the <script> tag, async and defer contro…
How to Clear Cache in Laravel Laravel caches various things like configurations, routes, views, and application data to improve performance. Someti…
Laravel 10 - Generating Fake Data with Laravel's Faker Library Laravel provides a built-in way to generate fake data using the Faker library. T…
Usage of Request Class in Laravel In Laravel, the Request class is used to handle HTTP requests. It allows you to access input data, validate reque…
In Livewire , components automatically re-render when their properties change. However, there are scenarios where you may want to prevent a Livewire …
Strong Password Regex Validation in Laravel Authentication To enforce strong password validation in Laravel authentication, you can use Laravel'…
Authentication with Laravel Breeze Laravel Breeze provides a simple and lightweight authentication system, including login, registration, password r…
Custom Message Alert with Bootstrap 5.3 and Laravel Introduction: In this tutorial, we will create a custom message alert system using Bootstrap 5.…
How to Add Alpine.js to a Laravel Project Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that makes it easy to add interactivity to your Laravel ap…
In Laravel 9, you can link the storage/app/public folder to the public/storage directory using the following command: Guide to Link Storage Folder…
Laravel Facades Introduction Laravel is known for its elegant and developer-friendly features, and one of them is Facades . They provide a simple a…
Laravel 12 Setup with Livewire Starter Kit Laravel 12 introduces a new Livewire starter kit, providing a streamlined setup for building dynamic, rea…
Laravel 12 Setup with Vue Starter Kit
Laravel 12 Setup with React Starter Kit
How to Install Laravel and Create a New Project on Linux
How to Install Laravel and Create a New Project on Windows
How to Install Laravel and Create a New Project on macOS
How to Install Laravel 12 Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks for building web applications. With the release of Laravel 12, develope…
How to Install Laravel 12 Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks, known for its elegant syntax, powerful features, and developer-friendly …
Laravel 12: What’s New? Features & Updates Laravel 12, released on February 24, 2025, focuses on enhancing developer experience through new sta…
Laravel Encryption Laravel provides a simple and secure way to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-256 and AES-128 encryption algorithms. This guide …
Laravel Authorization Authorization is a crucial aspect of web applications, ensuring that users only access the parts of an application they are per…
Laravel Authentication Authentication is an essential part of modern web applications. Laravel makes implementing authentication simple and efficient…
How to Install Laravel 10 Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that allows developers to build robust web applications quickly. This guide will walk y…
Laravel 11: Release Date and New Features Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks, known for its elegant syntax and robust features. With e…
Laravel Prompts: Build Delightful Artisan Commands Artisan is the command-line interface included with Laravel, offering several helpful commands for…
How to Install Laravel on macOS Laravel is a popular PHP framework for web application development. This guide will help you install Laravel on your …
A Comprehensive Guide to the Laravel UI Package The Laravel UI package provides a way to scaffold the frontend authentication features for Laravel a…
Laravel 8 Tutorial for Beginners Laravel is a powerful and user-friendly PHP framework for building modern web applications. In this tutorial, we’ll …
How to Install Laravel on Ubuntu Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks for building web applications. If you’re using Ubuntu , this guide…
How to Set Up Laravel on Ubuntu Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that simplifies web development. If you’re using Ubuntu , this guide will walk yo…
Top 12 VSCode Extensions for Laravel Developers Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is one of the most popular code editors for Laravel developers due to its…
What’s New in Laravel 10? Latest Features and Updates Laravel 10 was officially released on February 14, 2023 , introducing new features, performance…
Laravel - Error Handling Laravel provides a robust error-handling system, including logging, custom exceptions, and reporting mechanisms. By default,…
Laravel - Event Handling Laravel’s event handling system allows you to subscribe to and listen to events in your application, enabling decoupled and …
CSRF Protection in Laravel Certainly! CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection is an important security measure in Laravel to prevent unauthorize…
Installing Laravel with XAMPP This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step approach to installing Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, us…
Getting Started with PHP 8+ Without Using a Framework PHP is a powerful and widely used server-side scripting language. While frameworks like Laravel…
Awesome VS Code Extensions for Laravel Developers Introduction Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is one of the best code editors for Laravel development.…
How to Build a Modular Blog in Laravel 11 (Easy Steps!) Laravel Modules is a package that helps developers organize their applications into separate…
Setting Important Global Git Configurations Git allows you to configure global settings that apply to all repositories on your system. These setting…
Branching in Git: A Comprehensive Guide What is Branching in Git? Branching is a powerful feature in Git that allows developers to diverge from the m…
Tagging in Git: A Complete Guide What is Tagging in Git? In Git, tagging is a way to mark specific points in history as important, typically used to…
Renaming Files in Git: A Complete Guide What is Renaming Files in Git? Renaming files in Git involves changing the name of a file in the repository a…
Moving Files in Git: A Complete Guide What is Moving Files in Git? In Git, moving files is essentially the process of renaming or changing the locat…
Deleting Files in Git: A Complete Guide What is Deleting Files in Git? In Git, deleting files refers to removing files from both your working direct…
Git Stash Changes: A Complete Guide What is Git Stash? In Git, stashing allows you to temporarily save your uncommitted changes (both staged and uns…
Git Review Changes: A Complete Guide What is Git Review Changes? In Git, reviewing changes refers to the process of checking what has been modified …
Git Commit Files: A Complete Guide What is Git Commit? In Git, committing is the process of saving changes to your local repository. When you make c…
Git Add File to Repository: A Complete Guide What is Git Add? In Git, git add is the command used to add files to the staging area. Before you commi…
Git Add Remote Repository: A Complete Guide What is a Remote Repository? In Git, a remote repository refers to a version of your project that is hos…
Git Clone Remote Repository: A Complete Guide What is Git Clone? The git clone command is used to create a copy of a remote Git repository. This ope…
Git Create Repository: A Complete Guide What is a Git Repository? A Git repository is a directory where Git tracks your project’s files, versions, a…
How to Install a Git Client: A Complete Guide What is a Git Client? A Git client is a software application that allows you to interact with Git repo…
Learn Git Introduction Git is a powerful version control system that helps developers track changes in their code, collaborate with teams, and mainta…
Setting up a repository | Git init What is git init ? The git init command is used to create a new Git repository in a project. This initializes an…
Git Clean: Remove Untracked Files What is git clean ? The git clean command is used to remove untracked files and directories from your working dir…
Git Config: Configure Git Settings What is git config ? The git config command is used to configure Git settings, such as your username, email, defa…
Git Status: Check the State of Your Repository What is git status ? The git status command shows the current state of your working directory and sta…
Undoing Changes in Git Sometimes, you need to undo changes in Git—whether it's discarding uncommitted modifications, upstaging files, or rolling …
Git Reset: Undoing Changes in Git The git reset command is a powerful tool that lets you undo commits, unstage files, and reset your working direct…
Rewriting Git History Rewriting history in Git means modifying past commits, changing commit messages, reordering commits, or removing sensitive data…
Git Rebase: A Powerful Way to Rewrite Commit History Git rebase is a way to rewrite commit history by moving or modifying commits. It is often used…
Git Reflog: Recover Lost Commits & Undo Mistakes git reflog (Reference Log) is a lifesaver when you need to recover lost commits, undo mistakes…
Git Fetch: Updating Your Local Repository Without Merging git fetch is used to download changes from a remote repository without merging them . It …
Git Push Changes to Remote: A Complete Guide What is Git Push? In Git, git push is the command used to upload your local repository changes to a rem…
GitLab vs. GitHub: Key Differences and Comparison Both GitLab and GitHub are platforms for Git-based version control , collaboration , and DevOps .…
Saving Changes in Git: Committing Your Work In Git, saving changes involves staging and committing them to your local repository. Here's how to…
Git Diff: Comparing Changes in Your Code git diff shows the differences between files or commits. It's useful to see what changes have been mad…
Git Log: Viewing Commit History git log is used to view the commit history of your project. It shows the details of commits, including commit hashe…
Git Checkout: Switching Between Branches and Files git checkout is a versatile command used for switching branches , restoring files , and even crea…
Git Merge: Combining Branches git merge is used to combine changes from one branch into another. This command is essential for integrating work fro…
Git Merge Strategies: Managing Merge Behaviors Git provides different merge strategies that allow you to control how changes from different branches…
Merge Conflicts in Git: Understanding and Resolving Them A merge conflict occurs when Git is unable to automatically merge changes from two branches…
What Are SSH Keys? SSH keys are a pair of cryptographic keys used for secure authentication between a client and a server over the Secure Shell (SSH…
Git Alias: Create Shortcuts for Git Commands Git aliases allow you to create shortcuts for frequently used Git commands, making your workflow faster…
.gitignore - Ignore Unwanted Files in Git A .gitignore file tells Git which files or directories should not be tracked in a repository. This helps…
Git Revert: Undo Changes Without Losing History git revert is a safe way to undo changes by creating a new commit that reverses a previous commit . …
Git Blame: Track Line-by-Line Changes in a File git blame is a powerful Git command that helps you track who made changes to each line of a file an…
Introduction to Linux Linux is a powerful, open-source operating system that is widely used around the world. It is known for its flexibility, securi…
Linux Architecture Linux architecture refers to the design and structure of the Linux operating system. It encompasses various components that intera…
What is File? A file in the context of computing is a collection of data or information that is stored on a computer or other storage device. It can…
Linux ls Command – List Directory Contents The ls (list) command in Linux is used to list the contents of a directory. It is one of the most commo…
Linux touch Command – Create and Modify Files The touch command in Linux is used to create new empty files or update the timestamp of an existing…
Linux cat Command – Concatenate and Display File Content The cat (short for "concatenate") command is one of the most commonly used comma…
Linux mkdir Command – Create Directories The mkdir (make directory) command in Linux is used to create new directories within the filesystem. It i…
Linux systemctl Command – Control Systemd Services The systemctl command is an essential tool for managing systemd services and other system compo…
Linux cd Command – Change Directory The cd (change directory) command in Linux is one of the most commonly used commands. It is used to navigate be…
Linux chown Command – Change File Ownership The chown (change owner) command in Linux is used to change the ownership of a file or directory . It i…
Linux chattr Command – Change File Attributes The chattr (change attribute) command in Linux is used to modify file attributes, which control the b…
Linux cut Command – Extract Columns and Fields from Text The cut command in Linux is used to extract specific sections (columns or fields) of data …
Linux tee Command – Write Output to File and Screen The tee command in Linux is used to read from standard input (stdin) and write to both standard…
Linux grep Command – Search for Text in Files The grep ( Global Regular Expression Print ) command in Linux searches for specific text patterns …
Linux wc Command – Count Words, Lines, and Characters The wc ( word count ) command in Linux is used to count the number of lines, words, character…
How to Create a User in Linux – useradd Command In Linux, new user accounts can be created using the useradd command. This is essential for managin…
How to Modify a User in Linux – usermod Command In Linux, user accounts can be modified using the usermod command. This is useful for updating user…
How to Delete a User in Linux Managing users is an essential task for Linux system administrators. If a user account is no longer needed, you can saf…
How to Add a Group in Linux In Linux, groups are used to manage permissions for multiple users efficiently. The groupadd command allows administrato…
Linux who Command – Check Logged-in Users The who command in Linux is used to display information about users who are currently logged into the sys…
Linux whoami Command – Check the Current User The whoami command in Linux is a simple yet useful utility that displays the currently logged-in user…
Understanding the chage Command in Linux The chage command in Linux is used to manage password aging policies for user accounts. It allows administ…
Understanding the Linux chgrp Command: A Complete Guide The chgrp command in Linux is an essential tool for managing file and directory permissions…
How to Install MongoDB 4.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04 via PPA To install MongoDB 4.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04 using a PPA (Personal Package Archiv…
How to Install MongoDB 4.2 on Debian 10/9/8 To install MongoDB 4.2 on Debian 10/9/8, follow these steps. This guide involves adding the MongoDB 4.2 r…
How to Install MongoDB on CentOS/RHEL 7 To install MongoDB on CentOS/RHEL 7, follow these steps. The installation process involves adding the MongoDB…
How to Create and Drop Users in MongoDB MongoDB provides a user management system where you can create users with different roles and permissions for…
How to Enable Authentication in MongoDB Enabling authentication in MongoDB ensures that only authorized users can perform operations on your MongoDB …
Shell Script to Backup MongoDB Database Creating a shell script for backing up a MongoDB database can automate the process and save time. Below is a …
How to Backup and Restore MongoDB Database Backing up and restoring MongoDB databases is essential for ensuring data safety and continuity. MongoDB p…
What is MongoDB Shell (mongosh)? The MongoDB Shell (or mongosh ) is an interactive JavaScript shell that allows you to connect to a MongoDB database…
MongoDB Create Database MongoDB does not have an explicit CREATE DATABASE command. Instead, a database is automatically created when you insert the…
MongoDB show databases Listing databases in MongoDB helps you see all available databases on a server. This guide covers how to show databases using…
MongoDB Delete Database Deleting a database in MongoDB is simple but permanent , so proceed with caution. This guide covers how to delete a MongoDB d…
MongoDB Copy Database Copying a database in MongoDB is useful for backups, migrations, or creating test environments . This guide explains how to cop…
MongoDB Create Collection MongoDB automatically creates a collection when you insert the first document. However, you can manually create collections…
Mongodb Show Collection In MongoDB, collections store documents, similar to tables in relational databases. This guide explains how to list all colle…
MongoDB Rename Collection Renaming a collection in MongoDB allows you to change its name without losing any data. This guide explains how to rename a…
MongoDB Drop Collection Dropping a collection in MongoDB permanently removes all documents and the collection itself from the database. This guide w…
MongoDB Insert Document Inserting documents into MongoDB is essential for storing data, such as blog posts on a post-based website . This guide expla…
MongoDB Installation MongoDB is a NoSQL database used for building modern applications. Follow this guide to install MongoDB on your Mac and start u…
MongoDB Query Document Querying documents in MongoDB is essential for retrieving data from a database, such as fetching blog posts on a post-based we…
MongoDB Update Document Updating a document in MongoDB is essential for managing dynamic content on a post-based website . This guide will explain ho…
MongoDB Delete Document Posts are stored as documents in a MongoDB collection on a post-based website, such as a blog or forum. Sometimes, you need…
PostgreSQL FETCH Statement The FETCH statement in PostgreSQL is used to retrieve rows from a result set returned by a query when working with curso…
Load PostgreSQL Sample Database To load a PostgreSQL sample database , you can follow a few steps to download and import the sample dataset into your…
PostgreSQL Arrays PostgreSQL provides support for arrays , allowing you to store multiple values in a single column. Arrays in PostgreSQL can be used…
PostgreSQL UNION Operator The UNION operator in PostgreSQL is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT queries into a single result se…
PostgreSQL INTERSECT Operator The INTERSECT operator in PostgreSQL is used to return the common rows that appear in the result sets of two SELECT …
PostgreSQL EXCEPT Operator The EXCEPT operator in PostgreSQL is used to return the rows from the first query that are not present in the second que…
PostgreSQL with PHP Using PostgreSQL with PHP allows you to interact with a PostgreSQL database from a PHP application, enabling functionalities like…
PostgreSQL Column Alias In PostgreSQL, a column alias is a temporary name given to a column in the result set of a query. It is useful for making th…
PostgreSQL FULL OUTER JOIN A FULL OUTER JOIN returns all rows from both tables, with matching rows from both sides wherever available. If there is n…
PostgreSQL CROSS JOIN by Example A CROSS JOIN in PostgreSQL returns the Cartesian product of the two tables involved. That means it combines every…
PostgreSQL HAVING Clause The HAVING clause in PostgreSQL is used to filter aggregated results based on a condition. It is typically used with GROU…
PostgreSQL Joins In PostgreSQL, joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. There are several typ…
PostgreSQL INNER JOIN An INNER JOIN is used to retrieve data from two tables where there is a match between the specified columns in both tables. O…
PostgreSQL LEFT JOIN A LEFT JOIN (or LEFT OUTER JOIN ) is used to return all rows from the left table (the first table in the join), and the matche…
PostgreSQL SELECT DISTINCT The SELECT DISTINCT statement in PostgreSQL is used to return unique (non-duplicate) values from a column or a set of co…
PostgreSQL WHERE Clause The WHERE clause in PostgreSQL is used to filter records from a table based on a specified condition. It is one of the mos…
PostgreSQL Sample Database A sample database is useful for testing queries, learning SQL, and developing applications. Below, you'll find a step…
PostgreSQL LENGTH Function The LENGTH function in PostgreSQL is used to determine the number of characters or bytes in a string. It is commonly us…
PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE Statement The CREATE TABLE statement in PostgreSQL is used to define a new table in a database. You must specify the table…
How to Connect to a PostgreSQL Database Server You can connect to a PostgreSQL database using various methods: psql (Command Line) pgAdmin (Graphica…