What are SSH Keys?
What Are SSH Keys? SSH keys are a pair of cryptographic keys used for secure authentication between a client and a server over the Secure Shell (SSH…
What Are SSH Keys? SSH keys are a pair of cryptographic keys used for secure authentication between a client and a server over the Secure Shell (SSH…
Merge Conflicts in Git: Understanding and Resolving Them A merge conflict occurs when Git is unable to automatically merge changes from two branches…
Git Merge Strategies: Managing Merge Behaviors Git provides different merge strategies that allow you to control how changes from different branches…
Git Merge: Combining Branches git merge is used to combine changes from one branch into another. This command is essential for integrating work fro…
Git Checkout: Switching Between Branches and Files git checkout is a versatile command used for switching branches , restoring files , and even crea…
Git Log: Viewing Commit History git log is used to view the commit history of your project. It shows the details of commits, including commit hashe…
Git Diff: Comparing Changes in Your Code git diff shows the differences between files or commits. It's useful to see what changes have been mad…
Saving Changes in Git: Committing Your Work In Git, saving changes involves staging and committing them to your local repository. Here's how to…
GitLab vs. GitHub: Key Differences and Comparison Both GitLab and GitHub are platforms for Git-based version control , collaboration , and DevOps .…
Git Push Changes to Remote: A Complete Guide What is Git Push? In Git, git push is the command used to upload your local repository changes to a rem…
Git Fetch: Updating Your Local Repository Without Merging git fetch is used to download changes from a remote repository without merging them . It …
Git Reflog: Recover Lost Commits & Undo Mistakes git reflog (Reference Log) is a lifesaver when you need to recover lost commits, undo mistakes…
Git Rebase: A Powerful Way to Rewrite Commit History Git rebase is a way to rewrite commit history by moving or modifying commits. It is often used…
Rewriting Git History Rewriting history in Git means modifying past commits, changing commit messages, reordering commits, or removing sensitive data…
Git Reset: Undoing Changes in Git The git reset command is a powerful tool that lets you undo commits, unstage files, and reset your working direct…
Undoing Changes in Git Sometimes, you need to undo changes in Git—whether it's discarding uncommitted modifications, upstaging files, or rolling …
Git Status: Check the State of Your Repository What is git status ? The git status command shows the current state of your working directory and sta…
Git Config: Configure Git Settings What is git config ? The git config command is used to configure Git settings, such as your username, email, defa…
Git Clean: Remove Untracked Files What is git clean ? The git clean command is used to remove untracked files and directories from your working dir…
Setting up a repository | Git init What is git init ? The git init command is used to create a new Git repository in a project. This initializes an…
Learn Git Introduction Git is a powerful version control system that helps developers track changes in their code, collaborate with teams, and mainta…
How to Install a Git Client: A Complete Guide What is a Git Client? A Git client is a software application that allows you to interact with Git repo…
Git Create Repository: A Complete Guide What is a Git Repository? A Git repository is a directory where Git tracks your project’s files, versions, a…
Git Clone Remote Repository: A Complete Guide What is Git Clone? The git clone command is used to create a copy of a remote Git repository. This ope…
Git Add Remote Repository: A Complete Guide What is a Remote Repository? In Git, a remote repository refers to a version of your project that is hos…
Git Add File to Repository: A Complete Guide What is Git Add? In Git, git add is the command used to add files to the staging area. Before you commi…
Git Commit Files: A Complete Guide What is Git Commit? In Git, committing is the process of saving changes to your local repository. When you make c…
Git Review Changes: A Complete Guide What is Git Review Changes? In Git, reviewing changes refers to the process of checking what has been modified …
Git Stash Changes: A Complete Guide What is Git Stash? In Git, stashing allows you to temporarily save your uncommitted changes (both staged and uns…
Deleting Files in Git: A Complete Guide What is Deleting Files in Git? In Git, deleting files refers to removing files from both your working direct…
Moving Files in Git: A Complete Guide What is Moving Files in Git? In Git, moving files is essentially the process of renaming or changing the locat…
Renaming Files in Git: A Complete Guide What is Renaming Files in Git? Renaming files in Git involves changing the name of a file in the repository a…
Tagging in Git: A Complete Guide What is Tagging in Git? In Git, tagging is a way to mark specific points in history as important, typically used to…
Branching in Git: A Comprehensive Guide What is Branching in Git? Branching is a powerful feature in Git that allows developers to diverge from the m…
How to Install MongoDB 4.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04 via PPA To install MongoDB 4.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04 using a PPA (Personal Package Archiv…
How to Install MongoDB 4.2 on Debian 10/9/8 To install MongoDB 4.2 on Debian 10/9/8, follow these steps. This guide involves adding the MongoDB 4.2 r…
How to Install MongoDB on CentOS/RHEL 7 To install MongoDB on CentOS/RHEL 7, follow these steps. The installation process involves adding the MongoDB…
How to Create and Drop Users in MongoDB MongoDB provides a user management system where you can create users with different roles and permissions for…
How to Enable Authentication in MongoDB Enabling authentication in MongoDB ensures that only authorized users can perform operations on your MongoDB …
Shell Script to Backup MongoDB Database Creating a shell script for backing up a MongoDB database can automate the process and save time. Below is a …
How to Backup and Restore MongoDB Database Backing up and restoring MongoDB databases is essential for ensuring data safety and continuity. MongoDB p…
What is MongoDB Shell (mongosh)? The MongoDB Shell (or mongosh ) is an interactive JavaScript shell that allows you to connect to a MongoDB database…
MongoDB Create Database MongoDB does not have an explicit CREATE DATABASE command. Instead, a database is automatically created when you insert the…
MongoDB show databases Listing databases in MongoDB helps you see all available databases on a server. This guide covers how to show databases using…
MongoDB Delete Database Deleting a database in MongoDB is simple but permanent , so proceed with caution. This guide covers how to delete a MongoDB d…
MongoDB Copy Database Copying a database in MongoDB is useful for backups, migrations, or creating test environments . This guide explains how to cop…
MongoDB Create Collection MongoDB automatically creates a collection when you insert the first document. However, you can manually create collections…
Mongodb Show Collection In MongoDB, collections store documents, similar to tables in relational databases. This guide explains how to list all colle…
MongoDB Rename Collection Renaming a collection in MongoDB allows you to change its name without losing any data. This guide explains how to rename a…
MongoDB Drop Collection Dropping a collection in MongoDB permanently removes all documents and the collection itself from the database. This guide w…
MongoDB Insert Document Inserting documents into MongoDB is essential for storing data, such as blog posts on a post-based website . This guide expla…
MongoDB Installation MongoDB is a NoSQL database used for building modern applications. Follow this guide to install MongoDB on your Mac and start u…
MongoDB Query Document Querying documents in MongoDB is essential for retrieving data from a database, such as fetching blog posts on a post-based we…
MongoDB Update Document Updating a document in MongoDB is essential for managing dynamic content on a post-based website . This guide will explain ho…
MongoDB Delete Document Posts are stored as documents in a MongoDB collection on a post-based website, such as a blog or forum. Sometimes, you need…
PostgreSQL FETCH Statement The FETCH statement in PostgreSQL is used to retrieve rows from a result set returned by a query when working with curso…
Load PostgreSQL Sample Database To load a PostgreSQL sample database , you can follow a few steps to download and import the sample dataset into your…
PostgreSQL Arrays PostgreSQL provides support for arrays , allowing you to store multiple values in a single column. Arrays in PostgreSQL can be used…
PostgreSQL UNION Operator The UNION operator in PostgreSQL is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT queries into a single result se…
PostgreSQL INTERSECT Operator The INTERSECT operator in PostgreSQL is used to return the common rows that appear in the result sets of two SELECT …
PostgreSQL EXCEPT Operator The EXCEPT operator in PostgreSQL is used to return the rows from the first query that are not present in the second que…
PostgreSQL with PHP Using PostgreSQL with PHP allows you to interact with a PostgreSQL database from a PHP application, enabling functionalities like…
PostgreSQL Column Alias In PostgreSQL, a column alias is a temporary name given to a column in the result set of a query. It is useful for making th…
PostgreSQL FULL OUTER JOIN A FULL OUTER JOIN returns all rows from both tables, with matching rows from both sides wherever available. If there is n…
PostgreSQL CROSS JOIN by Example A CROSS JOIN in PostgreSQL returns the Cartesian product of the two tables involved. That means it combines every…
PostgreSQL HAVING Clause The HAVING clause in PostgreSQL is used to filter aggregated results based on a condition. It is typically used with GROU…
PostgreSQL Joins In PostgreSQL, joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. There are several typ…
PostgreSQL INNER JOIN An INNER JOIN is used to retrieve data from two tables where there is a match between the specified columns in both tables. O…
PostgreSQL LEFT JOIN A LEFT JOIN (or LEFT OUTER JOIN ) is used to return all rows from the left table (the first table in the join), and the matche…
PostgreSQL SELECT DISTINCT The SELECT DISTINCT statement in PostgreSQL is used to return unique (non-duplicate) values from a column or a set of co…
PostgreSQL WHERE Clause The WHERE clause in PostgreSQL is used to filter records from a table based on a specified condition. It is one of the mos…
PostgreSQL Sample Database A sample database is useful for testing queries, learning SQL, and developing applications. Below, you'll find a step…
PostgreSQL LENGTH Function The LENGTH function in PostgreSQL is used to determine the number of characters or bytes in a string. It is commonly us…
PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE Statement The CREATE TABLE statement in PostgreSQL is used to define a new table in a database. You must specify the table…
How to Connect to a PostgreSQL Database Server You can connect to a PostgreSQL database using various methods: psql (Command Line) pgAdmin (Graphica…
PostgreSQL CONCAT Function The CONCAT function in PostgreSQL is used to combine multiple strings into one . It automatically handles NULL values b…
PostgreSQL LIMIT Clause The LIMIT The clause in PostgreSQL restricts the number of rows a query returns . This is useful for pagination , top N …
PostgreSQL SELECT Statement The SELECT statement in PostgreSQL is used to retrieve data from a table. You can filter, sort, group, and modify the d…
PostgreSQL ORDER BY Clause The ORDER BY clause in PostgreSQL is used to sort query results in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.
PostgreSQL Data Types PostgreSQL provides a rich set of data types to store different kinds of data efficiently. Below is a categorized list of the …
Step 1: Install PostgreSQL (If Not Installed) If you haven’t installed PostgreSQL yet, you need to install it first.
MySQL INDEXES: A Comprehensive Guide What is an Index in MySQL? An index in MySQL is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval oper…
How to Alter Stored Procedures in MySQL MySQL does not provide a direct ALTER PROCEDURE statement. If you need to modify a stored procedure, you mu…
MySQL CHECK Constraint Emulation 1. What is the CHECK Constraint? The CHECK constraint is used to enforce a condition on column values in a table. …
How To Use MySQL Generated Columns Introduction to Generated Columns in MySQL Generated columns in MySQL are special columns whose values are compute…
MySQL INT Data Type The INT (short for integer ) data type in MySQL is used to store whole numbers (i.e., numbers without decimal places). It is on…
MySQL DECIMAL Data Type The DECIMAL data type in MySQL is used to store exact numeric values with a specified precision and scale. It is especially…
An Introduction to MySQL BOOLEAN Data Type MySQL does not have a native BOOLEAN data type , but it allows you to simulate BOOLEAN behavior using the…
Pragmatic Uses of MySQL BIT Data Type The BIT data type in MySQL is used to store binary values efficiently. It is commonly used for storing flags,…
MySQL CHAR Data Type: A Complete Guide The CHAR data type in MySQL is used to store fixed-length character strings . Unlike VARCHAR , which stores v…
The Essential Guide to MySQL VARCHAR Data Type The VARCHAR data type in MySQL is used to store variable-length strings , making it ideal for storing…
The Basics of MySQL TEXT Data Type In MySQL, the TEXT data type is used to store large amounts of text-based data efficiently. It is commonly used f…
The Ultimate Guide to MySQL DATE and Date Functions In MySQL, the DATE data type is used to store calendar dates (YYYY-MM-DD format). MySQL provide…
Mastering MySQL TIME Data Type The TIME data type in MySQL is used to store time values (HH:MM:SS format) . It is useful for representing durations,…
A Complete Guide to MySQL DATETIME Data Type The DATETIME data type in MySQL is used to store date and time values without timezone conversion. It …
MySQL TIMESTAMP Data Type The TIMESTAMP data type in MySQL is used to store date and time values . It is commonly used for tracking changes in recor…
A Practical Guide to MySQL JSON Data Type By Example The JSON data type in MySQL allows you to store and manipulate structured JSON data inside a d…
A Comprehensive Guide to Using MySQL ENUM The ENUM data type in MySQL is a string object that stores one value from a predefined list of possible …
MySQL NOT NULL Constraint The NOT NULL constraint in MySQL ensures that a column cannot store NULL values . It is used to enforce data integrity by …
MySQL Primary Key Constraint A Primary Key in MySQL is a column (or a set of columns) that uniquely identifies each row in a table. It ensures that…
MySQL Foreign Key Constraint A foreign key in MySQL is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that refers to the primary key in another tab…
MySQL Disable Foreign Key Checks In MySQL, you can disable foreign key checks to perform certain operations that would otherwise be restricted by fo…
MySQL Collation 1. What is Collation in MySQL? A collation in MySQL determines how string comparisons and sorting are performed based on a specific…
MySQL Character Set MySQL supports multiple character sets to store and manipulate text in different languages. Understanding character sets is cruc…
Import CSV File Into MySQL Table Importing data from a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file into a MySQL table is a common operation, often used for bu…
MySQL Export Table to CSV Exporting data from MySQL to a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a common task, useful for data analysis, backup, or tr…
MySQL Natural Sorting What is Natural Sorting? Natural sorting is a way of sorting alphanumeric values in the way humans expect rather than lexicogr…
Introduction to MySQL Stored Procedures What is a Stored Procedure in MySQL? A Stored Procedure in MySQL is a precompiled SQL code block that is st…
MySQL DROP PROCEDURE Statement The DROP PROCEDURE statement in MySQL is used to delete a stored procedure from the database.
Creating a Trigger in MySQL A Trigger in MySQL is a special type of stored program that automatically executes in response to INSERT , UPDATE , or D…
MySQL CREATE VIEW Statement A VIEW in MySQL is a virtual table based on the result of a SELECT query. It does not store data itself but dynamicall…
MySQL IF() Function The IF() function in MySQL is a conditional function that returns different values based on a condition . It is similar to the …
Listing Stored Procedures in MySQL In MySQL, you can list all stored procedures available in a database using the SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS statement or…
MySQL IF Statement The IF statement in MySQL is used for conditional execution of SQL statements inside stored programs like stored procedures , fun…
MySQL WHILE Loop The WHILE loop in MySQL repeatedly executes a block of SQL statements while a specified condition is TRUE . If the condition is ini…
MySQL REPEAT Loop The REPEAT loop in MySQL is a control flow structure that repeatedly executes a block of SQL statements until a specified conditi…
MySQL CREATE PROCEDURE Statement In MySQL, a stored procedure is a collection of SQL statements stored on the server and executed as a single unit. …
MySQL Stored Procedure Variables In MySQL, stored procedures support two types of variables for use within the procedure: Local Variables and User-D…
MySQL OR Operator The OR operator in MySQL is used to combine two or more conditions in a SQL query. It returns results when at least one of the con…
MySQL Stored Procedure Parameters In MySQL, stored procedures can accept parameters that allow them to perform dynamic operations based on the input …
MySQL CASE Statement The CASE statement in MySQL is used for conditional logic. It evaluates a series of conditions and returns a value when the fir…
MySQL LOOP Statement The LOOP statement in MySQL provides a way to execute a block of code repeatedly within a stored procedure, function, or trigge…
MySQL LEAVE Statement The LEAVE statement in MySQL is used to exit from a loop or block of code within a stored procedure, function, or trigger. I…
Raising Error Conditions with MySQL SIGNAL and RESIGNAL Statements The SIGNAL and RESIGNAL statements in MySQL allow you to explicitly raise error …
MySQL Error Handling in Stored Procedures Error handling in MySQL stored procedures allows developers to anticipate, manage, and respond to runtime e…
MySQL Cursor A cursor in MySQL is a database object used to retrieve and process rows from a query result set one at a time. Cursors are typically u…
MySQL Stored Object Access Control In MySQL, access control for stored objects like stored procedures , functions , triggers , and events is governe…
Listing Stored Functions in MySQL In MySQL, stored functions are user-defined functions that return a single value. If you need to list all stored fu…
MySQL DROP TRIGGER Statement Introduction The DROP TRIGGER statement in MySQL removes an existing trigger from the database. This is useful when: …
MySQL BEFORE INSERT Trigger Introduction A BEFORE INSERT trigger in MySQL is a stored program that executes before a new record is inserted into a …
MySQL SHOW ERRORS Statement Introduction The SHOW ERRORS statement in MySQL is used to display error messages generated by the most recent SQL stat…
MySQL BEFORE DELETE Trigger Introduction The BEFORE DELETE trigger in MySQL is used to execute a set of SQL statements before a row is deleted from…
MySQL SUM() Function Introduction The SUM() function in MySQL is an aggregate function used to calculate the total sum of a column's numeric v…
MySQL AFTER DELETE Trigger Introduction A MySQL AFTER DELETE trigger is a type of stored program that automatically executes after a DELETE operat…
MySQL SHOW TABLES: List Tables in a MySQL Database The SHOW TABLES statement in MySQL is used to display all tables in the currently selected databa…
MySQL REPLACE String Function The REPLACE() function in MySQL is used to search for a specified substring in a string and replace it with another. I…
MySQL DROP FUNCTION The DROP FUNCTION statement in MySQL is used to delete a stored function from the database. It permanently removes the function …
MySQL DROP FUNCTION The DROP FUNCTION statement in MySQL is used to delete a stored function from the database. It permanently removes the function …
Working with MySQL Scheduled Events MySQL Scheduled Events allow you to execute SQL statements automatically at specified intervals. They are similar…
MySQL NOT NULL Constraint The NOT NULL constraint in MySQL ensures that a column cannot contain NULL values. It is a common constraint used to enfo…
MySQL CONCAT Function The CONCAT function in MySQL is used to concatenate (combine) two or more strings into a single string. It is especially usefu…
MySQL BEFORE UPDATE Trigger A BEFORE UPDATE trigger in MySQL is a type of trigger that is fired before an UPDATE operation is executed on a table.…
MySQL AFTER UPDATE Trigger An AFTER UPDATE trigger in MySQL is a type of trigger that is fired after an UPDATE operation is performed on a table. …
MySQL SHOW TRIGGERS The SHOW TRIGGERS command in MySQL allows you to list all the triggers that exist in a specific database. This can be useful for…
Creating Multiple Triggers in MySQL Triggers in MySQL are database objects that automatically execute specified actions in response to certain events…
MySQL REGEXP: Search Based on Regular Expressions The REGEXP (or RLIKE ) operator in MySQL allows you to search for patterns in strings using regula…
MySQL: Select Random Records MySQL provides an easy way to fetch random records from a table, which is useful for use cases like displaying random co…
MySQL SHOW COLUMNS and DESCRIBE: List All Columns in a Table Both the SHOW COLUMNS and DESCRIBE commands in MySQL display the structure of a table,…
MySQL CREATE USER Statement The CREATE USER statement in MySQL is used to create new user accounts in the MySQL database system. After creating a us…
MySQL REVOKE The REVOKE statement in MySQL is used to remove privileges or permissions that have been granted to users or roles. This can include re…
MySQL NULL: The Beginner’s Guide In MySQL, NULL represents the absence of a value or a missing value. It is important to distinguish NULL from an e…
MySQL Date Functions MySQL provides a variety of date functions that allow you to manipulate and query date and time values. These functions are cru…
The Essential Guide To MySQL ISNULL Function The ISNULL function in MySQL is used to check whether an expression or value is NULL . It returns a boo…
MySQL IFNULL The IFNULL function in MySQL is used to return a specified value if the expression is NULL . If the expression is not NULL , it returns…
MySQL CHECK Constraint The CHECK constraint in MySQL ensures that values in a column meet specific conditions before inserting or updating data. It …
MySQL CREATE INDEX The CREATE INDEX statement in MySQL improves query performance by allowing faster lookups in a table. Indexes work like an optim…
MySQL AND Operator The AND operator in MySQL is used to combine two or more conditions in a WHERE , HAVING , or ON clause. It ensures that all the …
MySQL NULLIF() Function The NULLIF() function in MySQL compares two expressions and returns NULL if they are equal. If the expressions are not equa…
MySQL FLOOR Function The FLOOR() function in MySQL is a mathematical function that returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number…
MySQL CASE Expression The CASE expression in MySQL is a conditional expression that allows you to return different values based on conditions, simi…
MySQL Copy Table With Examples Copying a table in MySQL can be useful for backups, testing, and schema duplication . There are multiple ways to copy …
How to Find Duplicate Values in MySQL Duplicate values in a MySQL table can cause data integrity issues. This guide shows different ways to identify …
MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID Function The LAST_INSERT_ID() function in MySQL returns the most recently generated AUTO_INCREMENT value for the last INSERT …
Using MySQL UNIQUE Index To Prevent Duplicates A UNIQUE index in MySQL ensures that all values in a column or combination of columns are distinct a…
MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID Function The LAST_INSERT_ID() function in MySQL returns the most recently generated AUTO_INCREMENT value for the last INSERT …
MySQL Reset Auto Increment Values In MySQL, the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute generates unique values for a column, typically the primary key . However, …
MySQL DROP TABLE The DROP TABLE statement in MySQL is used to permanently delete a table from the database, including all its data, structure, and …
MySQL TRUNCATE Function The TRUNCATE() function in MySQL is used to remove the decimal places from a number to a specified precision. It does not …
MySQL DENSE_RANK Function The DENSE_RANK() function in MySQL is used to assign a rank to each row within a partition of a result set. Unlike RANK()…
MySQL MIN() Function The MIN() function in MySQL is used to retrieve the smallest value from a column in a table. It is commonly used in aggregatio…
MySQL YEAR() Function The YEAR() function in MySQL extracts the year from a given date or datetime expression and returns it as a four-digit number.…
MySQL SHOW PROCESSLIST Statement The SHOW PROCESSLIST statement in MySQL provides information about currently running threads (or processes) in the …
MySQL NOT NULL Constraint The NOT NULL constraint in MySQL ensures that a column cannot have a NULL value. It is used to enforce data integrity by …
MySQL MAX() Function The MAX() function in MySQL is an aggregate function that returns the largest (maximum) value from a specified column in a data…
Understanding SQL Primary Key In SQL, a Primary Key is a constraint that uniquely identifies each record in a table. It ensures that no two rows in …
MySQL Full-Text Search MySQL Full-Text Search (FTS) is a powerful way to perform advanced text-based searches within database tables. Unlike simple …
MySQL SYSDATE() Function The SYSDATE() function in MySQL returns the current date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS . Unlike the NOW() fun…
MySQL DATE_FORMAT() Function The DATE_FORMAT() function in MySQL is used to format a date or datetime value into a custom string based on a specifie…
MySQL NOW() Function The NOW() function in MySQL is used to retrieve the current date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS . It is a simple an…
MySQL INTERVAL The INTERVAL keyword in MySQL is primarily used in two contexts: Date and Time Arithmetic : Adding or subtracting intervals to/from d…
MySQL DATE_ADD() Function The DATE_ADD() function in MySQL is used to add an interval of time to a given date or datetime value. This function is pa…
MySQL DATEDIFF() Function The DATEDIFF() function in MySQL calculates the difference in days between two date values. It returns the number of days …
MySQL DAY() Function The DAY() function in MySQL extracts the day (as a number) from a given date or datetime value. It returns an integer between 1…
MySQL MONTH() Function The MONTH() function in MySQL extracts the month (as a number) from a given date or datetime value. It returns an integer bet…
Sass Basics Introduction Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is a powerful CSS preprocessor that enhances CSS with variables, nesting, mixins, f…
How to Host a Website on GitHub For Free? 🚀 Step 1: Create a GitHub Account If you don't have a GitHub account, create one using GitHub Signup …
MySQL DATE_SUB() Function The DATE_SUB() function in MySQL is used to subtract an interval of time from a specified date or datetime value. It’s par…
MySQL SHOW WARNINGS Statement The SHOW WARNINGS statement in MySQL is used to display diagnostic messages such as warnings, errors, and notes genera…
MySQL STR_TO_DATE() Function The STR_TO_DATE() function in MySQL converts a string into a date or datetime value using a specified format. This is p…
MySQL DROP INDEX The DROP INDEX statement is used to delete an index from a table in MySQL. Indexes improve query performance, but there are scenari…
How to Manage and Create MySQL Users, Databases, and Tables Managing users, databases, and tables is an essential part of working with MySQL. This gu…
How to Create a New User and Grant Permissions in MySQL Creating a new user and granting the appropriate permissions is an essential part of managing…
Changing User Password in MySQL Changing a user’s password in MySQL can be done using the ALTER USER or SET PASSWORD command, depending on your MyS…
MySQL WEEK() Function The WEEK() function in MySQL is used to extract the week number from a given date. It returns the week number for the date, wh…
MySQL Variables MySQL provides variables that are used to store values temporarily during a session. These variables can be categorized into two mai…
Modifying MySQL Events MySQL events allow you to automate tasks at scheduled intervals, much like cron jobs or scheduled tasks in other systems. You…
Listing Stored Procedures in MySQL To list all stored procedures in a MySQL database, you can query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table, which sto…
MySQL COALESCE Function The COALESCE function in MySQL returns the first non-NULL value from a list of expressions. It is commonly used for handling…
MySQL DAYNAME() Function The DAYNAME() function in MySQL is used to return the name of the day of the week for a given date. It’s a straightforward …
MySQL DAYOFWEEK Function The DAYOFWEEK function in MySQL returns the weekday index for a given date. The index ranges from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday…
MySQL EXTRACT() Function The EXTRACT() function in MySQL is a powerful tool for retrieving specific parts (like the year, month, day, hour, etc.) fr…
MySQL TIMEDIFF Function The TIMEDIFF function in MySQL calculates the difference between two time or datetime values and returns the result as a TIM…
MySQL LAST_DAY Function The LAST_DAY function in MySQL retrieves the last day of the month for a given date. This function is particularly useful wh…
MySQL Window Functions Window functions in MySQL are a powerful set of functions that allow you to perform calculations across a set of table rows t…
Creating FULLTEXT Indexes for Full-Text Search in MySQL To efficiently perform full-text searches in MySQL, you need to create a FULLTEXT index on t…
MySQL Natural Language Full-Text Searches MySQL Natural Language Full-Text Search (NLF) is a full-text search mode where the database uses the text …
MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches provide a way to perform text searches within columns that are indexed with a full…
MySQL Query Expansion Query Expansion in MySQL is a technique used to improve search results, particularly for full-text searches. It involves expan…
MySQL ngram Full-Text Parser The ngram full-text parser in MySQL is a specialized parser used for full-text indexing and searching, particularly for…
MySQL FORMAT Function The FORMAT() function in MySQL is used to format numbers in a specific way, including decimal places and the grouping of tho…
How To Delete Duplicate Rows in MySQL Duplicate rows in a table can cause data inconsistencies and affect the integrity of your database. Deleting du…
MySQL ROW_NUMBER Function The ROW_NUMBER() function in MySQL is a window function introduced in MySQL 8.0 . It assigns a unique sequential integer t…
MySQL CUME_DIST Function The CUME_DIST() function in MySQL is a window function introduced in MySQL 8.0 . It calculates the cumulative distribution …
MySQL FIRST_VALUE Function The FIRST_VALUE() function in MySQL is a window function introduced in MySQL 8.0 . It returns the first value in an order…
MySQL ROUND Function The ROUND() function in MySQL is used to round a numeric value to a specified number of decimal places. It can round both posit…
MySQL LAG Function The LAG() function in MySQL is a window function introduced in MySQL 8.0 . It allows you to access data from a previous row in th…