JavaScript Functions Functions in JavaScript are reusable blocks of code designed to perform a specific task .
JavaScript Functions Functions in JavaScript are reusable blocks of code designed to perform a specific task .
JavaScript Loops: while and for Loops are used to execute a block of code multiple times until a condition is met.
JavaScript switch Statement 🔄 The switch statement is used for multiple conditional checks , making the code cleaner than multiple if...else if.…
JavaScript Conditional Operators: if , else , ? (Ternary Operator) Conditional statements allow JavaScript to make decisions based on conditions.
JavaScript Logical Operators Logical operators in JavaScript are used to combine or negate Boolean values and expressions. They return true or fa…
JavaScript Comparison Operators 🔍 Comparison operators in JavaScript compare two values and return a Boolean ( true or false ) .
JavaScript Data Types In JavaScript, data types define the type of value a variable can hold. JavaScript is dynamically typed , meaning a variable …
JavaScript Variables What are Variables? Variables in JavaScript are containers for storing data values . They allow us to store, update, and manip…
JavaScript "use strict" 🚀 What is "use strict" ? "use strict" is a directive in JavaScript that enforces a stricte…
JavaScript Comments Comments in JavaScript explain code, make it more readable, and prevent execution of specific lines during debugging.
Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript ( JS ) is a dynamic, high-level, and interpreted programming language that adds interactivity to web pages. …
JavaScript Strings In JavaScript, a string is a sequence of characters enclosed in single ( ' ) , double ( " ) , or **backticks ( ) . Stri…
Drag and Drop with JavaScript The Drag and Drop API allows users to drag elements on a webpage and drop them into different locations. It's u…
Shadow DOM & Events in JavaScript The Shadow DOM is a way to encapsulate styles and functionality inside a web component, preventing conflicts …
Introduction to Browser Events in JavaScript In JavaScript, events allow you to interact with a webpage by detecting user actions like clicks, key …
JavaScript Keyboard Events: keydown & keyup JavaScript provides keyboard event listeners to detect when a key is pressed or released. The main…
MutationObserver in JavaScript The MutationObserver API allows you to watch for changes in the DOM (Document Object Model). It is useful for tracki…
Scheduling in JavaScript: setTimeout & setInterval JavaScript provides two main scheduling functions to execute code after a delay or repeated…
JavaScript Modules (ES6 Modules) JavaScript modules allow you to split code into smaller, reusable files and import them where needed. This helps o…
TextDecoder and TextEncoder in JavaScript JavaScript provides TextDecoder and TextEncoder to work with text encoding and decoding , especially whe…