Laravel Prompts: Build Delightful Artisan Commands

Laravel Prompts: Build Delightful Artisan Commands

Laravel Prompts: Build Delightful Artisan Commands

Artisan is the command-line interface included with Laravel, offering several helpful commands for development. Creating custom Artisan commands allows you to streamline your workflow and build powerful tools tailored to your application’s needs. This guide will walk you through building delightful Artisan commands in Laravel.

What are Artisan Commands?

Artisan commands are built-in commands provided by Laravel that help in performing various tasks, such as database migrations, seeding, running tests, and more. You can also create custom commands to automate repetitive tasks and enhance your development process.

Step 1: Create a New Artisan Command

You can create a new Artisan command using the make:command Artisan command. Open your terminal and run:

php artisan make:command CustomCommand

This command will generate a new file in the app/Console/Commands directory named CustomCommand.php.

Step 2: Define Command Properties

Open the newly created CustomCommand.php file and define the command properties, such as the name, description, and signature. Here’s an example:

namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; class CustomCommand extends Command { // The name and signature of the console command. protected $signature = 'custom:run {name}'; // The console command description. protected $description = 'Run a custom command with a name parameter'; // Execute the console command. public function handle() { $name = $this->argument('name'); $this->info("Hello, $name! This is your custom command."); } }

Command Properties Explained:

  • $signature: This property defines the command’s name and accepts parameters. In this example, the command is custom:run, and it takes one argument: {name}.
  • $description: This property describes what the command does, which will be displayed when you run php artisan list.
  • handle(): This method contains the logic that will be executed when the command is run. You can access command arguments and options using $this->argument() and $this->option() methods.

Step 3: Register the Command

Laravel automatically registers commands in the app/Console/Kernel.php file. Open this file and add your command to the $commands property:

protected $commands = [ \App\Console\Commands\CustomCommand::class, ];

Step 4: Run Your Custom Command

Now that you’ve created and registered your command, you can run it from the terminal:

php artisan custom:run John

This will output:

Hello, John! This is your custom command.

Step 5: Adding Options

You can also add options to your command. For example, to add a verbose option, modify the signature property:

protected $signature = 'custom:run {name} {--v|verbose}';

In the handle() method, you can check if the option is present and modify the command output accordingly:

public function handle() { $name = $this->argument('name'); $isVerbose = $this->option('verbose'); if ($isVerbose) { $this->info("Running custom command in verbose mode."); } $this->info("Hello, $name! This is your custom command."); }

Run the command with the verbose option:

php artisan custom:run John --verbose

Step 6: Prompting User for Input

You can enhance user interaction by prompting for input within your command. Use $this->ask() or $this->anticipate() methods. Here’s an example:

public function handle() { $name = $this->argument('name') ?? $this->ask('What is your name?'); $this->info("Hello, $name! This is your custom command."); }

Step 7: Handling Exceptions

To ensure a delightful user experience, handle exceptions gracefully. You can wrap your command logic in a try-catch block:

public function handle() { try { $name = $this->argument('name') ?? $this->ask('What is your name?'); $this->info("Hello, $name! This is your custom command."); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error('An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }


Creating delightful Artisan commands in Laravel can significantly enhance your development workflow. By following this guide, you can automate tasks, interact with users, and build custom tools tailored to your application's needs.

🎉 Happy coding with Laravel!

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Souy Soeng

Souy Soeng

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