Authentication with Breeze Laravel
Hello Artisans, In this chapter we'll discuss Laravel Breeze for authentication. Laravel Breeze is an alternative for laravel/ui which one used for authentication till Laravel 7.0. Besides laravel/ui Breeze uses the Tailwind CSS. So if you already complete the third chapter/section you're good to go, if not my recommendation would be please complete the third one.
Note: Tested on Laravel 10.0
- Create New Project
- Install & Configure Laravel Breeze
- Configure Database and Migrate
- Output
Create a new Laravel application via the command line. We can use either composer or Laravel installer.
For Composer
Or with Laravel installer
To install Laravel Breeze, you just have to fire the below command in your terminal
After the installation, we need to publish the authentication views, routes, controllers, and other resources which are needed for our authentication. So, fire the below command in your terminal.
After installing the Breeze we need to compile the static assets so that we can minify our css and js files. Minified assets can give us a faster load time and a reduced number of HTTP requests. To do so fire the below command.
Now we need to configure the database in our .env file like below
After setup, we need to run our migrations. So fire the below command in your terminal
If you run your project then you can see the following outputs by visiting http://localhost:8000, make sure you serve your application via the serve command by firing
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