While Loop in Bash

While Loop in Bash

While Loop in Bash

The while loop in Bash is used to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a specified condition evaluates to true. It's commonly used for processing files, waiting for events, or iterating over commands.


while [condition]; do # Commands to execute done

Key Points:

  • [condition] is a command or test expression. As long as it evaluates to true (exit status 0), the loop continues.
  • The do block contains the commands to execute repeatedly.
  • The done keyword marks the end of the loop.

Basic Example: Counter

count=1 while [ $count -le 5 ]; do echo "Count: $count" ((count++)) # Increment count done


Count: 1 Count: 2 Count: 3 Count: 4 Count: 5

Example: Reading a File Line by Line

The while loop can process files line by line using read:

while read -r line; do echo "Line: $line" done < input.txt


  • read -r line: Reads a single line from the file.
  • < input.txt: Redirects the file input.txt as input to the loop.

Example: Waiting for a Condition

The while loop can pause execution until a specific condition is met:

status="pending" while [ "$status" != "done" ]; do echo "Waiting for completion..." sleep 2 # Pause for 2 seconds status="done" # Simulate status change done echo "Task completed!"

Example: Infinite Loop

An infinite loop runs until explicitly terminated. Use with caution!

while true; do echo "Press Ctrl+C to stop." sleep 1 done


  • true: Always evaluates to true.
  • Use Ctrl+C to stop the script manually.

Example: Nested While Loops

You can nest while loops for complex tasks, like printing a matrix:

rows=3 cols=3 row=1 while [ $row -le $rows ]; do col=1 while [ $col -le $cols ]; do echo -n "$row,$col " ((col++)) done echo ((row++)) done


1,1 1,2 1,3 2,1 2,2 2,3 3,1 3,2 3,3

Example: Using Command Output in While Loop

You can use the output of a command in a while loop:

ls *.txt | while read -r file; do echo "Processing file: $file" done


  • ls *.txt: Lists all .txt files.
  • while read -r file: Processes each filename from the command output.

Breaking and Continuing a While Loop

  • break: Exits the loop immediately.
  • continue: Skips the rest of the current iteration and starts the next.


count=1 while [ $count -le 5 ]; do if [ $count -eq 3 ]; then echo "Skipping $count" ((count++)) continue fi if [ $count -eq 5 ]; then echo "Breaking at $count" break fi echo "Count: $count" ((count++)) done


Count: 1 Count: 2 Skipping 3 Count: 4 Breaking at 5

Common Errors to Avoid

  1. Infinite Loops: Ensure the loop condition eventually becomes false. Example:

    count=1 while [ $count -le 5 ]; do echo $count # Missing ((count++)) causes an infinite loop done
  2. Incorrect Test Syntax: Use square brackets [ ] or double brackets [[ ]] properly.

    while [[ $count -lt 5 ]]; do # Correct usage done
  3. Redirection Misuse: Be cautious when using redirection (<, |). Test the loop with smaller input files to ensure correctness.


The while loop is a versatile construct in Bash, suitable for repetitive tasks and real-time monitoring. By mastering its syntax and usage, you can handle complex scripting challenges efficiently.

Let me know if you need further examples or details for your post!

Souy Soeng

Souy Soeng

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