Linux systemctl command

Linux systemctl command

Linux systemctl Command – Control Systemd Services

The systemctl command is an essential tool for managing systemd services and other system components in modern Linux distributions. It is used to start, stop, restart, enable, disable, and monitor system services, making it a fundamental tool for system administrators.

Syntax of systemctl

  • OPTIONS → Flags that modify the behavior of systemctl.
  • COMMAND → The action to be performed (e.g., start, stop, status).
  • SERVICE → The name of the service you want to control (e.g., nginx, apache2).

Common systemctl Commands

1. Start a Service

To start a service immediately:

sudo systemctl start service_name


sudo systemctl start nginx

This will start the nginx web server.

2. Stop a Service

To stop a running service:

sudo systemctl stop service_name


sudo systemctl stop nginx

This will stop the nginx service.

3. Restart a Service

To restart a service (stops and then starts the service again):

sudo systemctl restart service_name


sudo systemctl restart nginx

This will restart the nginx service.

4. Reload a Service

If a service supports reloading its configuration without stopping, use:

sudo systemctl reload service_name


sudo systemctl reload nginx

This reloads the nginx service's configuration.

5. Check the Status of a Service

To check the current status of a service (running, stopped, etc.):

sudo systemctl status service_name


sudo systemctl status nginx

This shows the status of the nginx service, including whether it is active, inactive, or failed.

6. Enable a Service

To enable a service to start automatically at boot time:

sudo systemctl enable service_name


sudo systemctl enable nginx

This will ensure that nginx starts automatically when the system boots.

7. Disable a Service

To disable a service from starting at boot time:

sudo systemctl disable service_name


sudo systemctl disable nginx

This prevents nginx from starting automatically at boot time.

8. Mask a Service

To prevent a service from being started manually or automatically:

sudo systemctl mask service_name


sudo systemctl mask nginx

This will create a symbolic link to /dev/null and make it impossible to start the nginx service, even if it's enabled.

9. Unmask a Service

To remove the mask from a service and allow it to be started again:

sudo systemctl unmask service_name


sudo systemctl unmask nginx

This will allow nginx to be started again after being masked.

10. View All Services

To list all active and inactive services:

sudo systemctl list-units --type=service

This will display all services, including their current state (active, inactive, etc.).

11. View All Failed Services

To list all services that have failed:

sudo systemctl --failed

This will display any services that have failed to start or encountered an issue.

12. View Logs for a Service

To view logs for a specific service using journalctl:

sudo journalctl -u service_name


sudo journalctl -u nginx

This will show the logs for the nginx service.

Useful Options for systemctl

1. Show the Status of Systemd

To view general information about the systemd system and its status:

sudo systemctl status

2. Start a Service in the Background (--quiet)

To suppress output when starting a service, use the --quiet option:

sudo systemctl start nginx --quiet

3. View Service Dependency Tree (list-dependencies)

To see the dependency tree for a specific service:

sudo systemctl list-dependencies service_name


sudo systemctl list-dependencies nginx

This shows the other services or units that the nginx service depends on.

4. Set Default Target (Runlevel) (set-default)

To set the default target (similar to runlevels in older Linux systems):

sudo systemctl set-default target_name


sudo systemctl set-default

This sets the default target to the graphical environment (GUI).


1. Start a Service

sudo systemctl start apache2

This starts the apache2 web server.

2. Enable a Service to Start on Boot

sudo systemctl enable apache2

This enables apache2 to start automatically at boot.

3. Check the Status of a Service

sudo systemctl status apache2

This shows the current status of the apache2 service.

4. Restart a Service

sudo systemctl restart apache2

This restarts the apache2 service.

5. View Logs of a Service

sudo journalctl -u apache2

This shows the logs for the apache2 service.


The systemctl command is a powerful tool for managing systemd services in Linux. It allows you to control services, check their status, and enable or disable them from starting automatically at boot. Whether you're restarting a service, viewing logs, or managing the startup behavior, systemctl is essential for system administrators.

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