Linux ls command

Linux ls command

Linux ls Command – List Directory Contents

The ls (list) command in Linux is used to list the contents of a directory. It is one of the most commonly used commands, allowing users to see files and subdirectories within a specified directory. It offers various options for displaying additional details, sorting, and formatting.

Syntax of ls

  • OPTIONS → Flags that modify the behavior of ls.
  • DIRECTORY → The directory whose contents you want to list. If no directory is specified, ls lists the contents of the current directory.

Common Usage of ls

1. List Files and Directories

To list the files and directories in the current directory:




This command will list the contents of the current directory.

2. List Files in a Specific Directory

To list the files and directories in a specific directory:

ls /path/to/directory


ls /home/user/Documents

This lists the contents of the Documents directory.

3. Show Detailed Information (-l)

To display detailed information about files and directories (such as permissions, ownership, size, and timestamp), use the -l option:

ls -l


ls -l

This provides a long listing of files, showing additional information like:

-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 2048 Feb 9 12:00 file.txt

4. Show All Files, Including Hidden Ones (-a)

By default, ls does not display hidden files (those that start with a dot .). To list all files, including hidden files, use the -a option:

ls -a


ls -a

This will list all files, including hidden ones like .bashrc or .gitignore.

5. Show All Files, Including Hidden Ones, with Detailed Information (-la)

To list all files and directories (including hidden files) with detailed information, use the -la option:

ls -la


ls -la

This shows all files and detailed information, including hidden files.

6. Show File Sizes in Human-Readable Format (-h)

To display file sizes in a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB), use the -h option along with the -l option:

ls -lh


ls -lh

This will display the file sizes in a more readable format:

-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 2.0K Feb 9 12:00 file.txt

7. Sort Files by Modification Time (-t)

To list files sorted by modification time (most recently modified files first), use the -t option:

ls -t


ls -t

This lists files in order of when they were last modified, showing the most recently modified files at the top.

8. List Directories Only (-d)

To list only directories (excluding files), use the -d option:

ls -d */


ls -d */

This lists only directories in the current directory.

9. Show Files with File Type Indicators (-F)

To append indicators to file names showing their types (e.g., / for directories, * for executables), use the -F option:

ls -F


ls -F

This adds symbols to the file names:

file.txt directory/ executable*

10. List Files with Inode Numbers (-i)

To display the inode number of each file (a unique identifier for the file in the filesystem), use the -i option:

ls -i


ls -i

This will list the files along with their inode numbers:

123456 file.txt 234567 directory/

11. Reverse the Order of Listing (-r)

To reverse the order of the file listing, use the -r option. This works with other options like -t for sorting by modification time:

ls -r


ls -r

This lists the files in reverse order.

12. List Files with a Specific Extension

To list files with a specific extension, use a wildcard (*) after the extension:

ls *.txt


ls *.log

This lists all files with the .log extension in the current directory.


1. List Files in the Current Directory


This lists the files in the current directory.

2. List All Files, Including Hidden Ones

ls -a

This lists all files, including hidden files (those starting with a dot).

3. List Files with Detailed Information

ls -l

This lists files with detailed information such as permissions, owner, size, and timestamp.

4. List Files in Human-Readable Format with Detailed Information

ls -lh

This displays files in a human-readable format, with file sizes in KB, MB, etc.

5. List Files Sorted by Modification Time

ls -t

This lists files sorted by modification time, with the most recent files first.

6. List Only Directories

ls -d */

This lists only directories in the current directory.

7. Show File Type Indicators

ls -F

This shows file types, appending symbols like / for directories and * for executables.

8. List Files in Reverse Order

ls -r

This lists files in reverse order.

Error Handling with ls

  • File Not Found: If the specified directory or file does not exist, you will receive an error:

    ls: cannot access 'directory_name': No such file or directory
  • Permission Denied: If you do not have permission to list the contents of a directory, you will get a "Permission denied" error:

    ls: cannot open directory 'directory_name': Permission denied


The ls command is an essential tool in Linux for listing and managing files and directories. Whether you're simply checking the contents of a directory, viewing detailed information, or sorting files, ls offers a variety of options to tailor the output to your needs.

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