Linux cut command

Linux cut command

Linux cut Command – Extract Columns and Fields from Text

The cut command in Linux is used to extract specific sections (columns or fields) of data from a file or input. It's especially useful for processing delimited data, such as CSV files, logs, or text files with fixed-width fields.

Syntax of cut

  • OPTIONS → Flags that define how to cut the data (columns, delimiters, etc.).
  • FILE → The file from which to extract data (if omitted, cut reads from standard input).

Commonly Used cut Options

1. Cut by Character Position (-c)

To extract specific characters from each line:

cut -c 1-5 filename


cut -c 1-5 data.txt

This will show the first 5 characters from each line of data.txt.

2. Cut by Field Using a Delimiter (-f)

To extract specific fields separated by a delimiter (e.g., comma or tab):

cut -d 'delimiter' -f field_number filename
  • -d 'delimiter' → Specifies the delimiter (default is tab).
  • -f field_number → Specifies which field(s) to extract (fields are 1-indexed).

For example, extracting the second field from a comma-separated file:

cut -d ',' -f 2 data.csv

This will print the second field from each line of data.csv.

3. Cut Multiple Fields (-f with Multiple Fields)

To extract multiple fields, use commas:

cut -d ',' -f 1,3 data.csv

This prints the first and third fields of data.csv.

To extract a range of fields:

cut -d ',' -f 2-4 data.csv

This extracts fields 2 to 4 (inclusive) from each line.

4. Cut from Fields with Specific Byte Position (-b)

To extract a specific byte range from each line (useful for fixed-width files):

cut -b 1-5 filename

This extracts bytes 1 to 5 from each line of filename.

5. Cut Fields from Standard Input (Piped Data)

You can pipe the output of a command into cut to extract data:

echo "apple,orange,banana" | cut -d ',' -f 2

This will output:


6. Display the First n Characters (-c)

To display the first n characters of each line:

cut -c 1-10 filename

This will show characters from position 1 to 10 for each line in filename.

7. Cut Fields from a Tab-Delimited File (Default Delimiter)

If the fields in a file are tab-separated (the default delimiter), you don’t need to specify -d:

cut -f 1 filename

This extracts the first tab-separated field from each line in filename.

8. Show All Fields (-f with All Fields)

To display all fields from a delimited file, you can omit -f (or specify all fields):

cut -d ',' -f 1- filename

This will display all fields from filename where fields are separated by commas.


1. Extract Specific Columns from a CSV File

Given a file data.csv with the following content:

Name,Age,Location Alice,30,New York Bob,25,Los Angeles Charlie,35,Boston

To extract the Name and Location columns:

cut -d ',' -f 1,3 data.csv


Name,Location Alice,New York Bob,Los Angeles Charlie,Boston

2. Extract Data from a Log File

Given a log file with tab-delimited fields, to extract the first and third fields:

cut -f 1,3 log.txt

Difference Between cut and awk

cutExtracts data by character position or delimiter.
awkMore flexible text processing tools that can handle complex operations.


The cut command is a simple but effective tool for extracting specific data portions from text files. It is particularly useful for quick data extraction, especially when working with delimited data files.

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