Linux chown command

Linux chown command

Linux chown Command – Change File Ownership

The chown (change owner) command in Linux is used to change the ownership of a file or directory. It is commonly used by system administrators to modify who has control over a file and what permissions they have.

Syntax of chown

  • OWNER → The new owner of the file.
  • GROUP → The new group for the file (optional).
  • FILE → The file or directory whose ownership you want to modify.

If you only specify OWNER, the group remains unchanged. If you only specify GROUP, the owner remains unchanged.

Common Usage of chown

1. Change the Owner of a File

To change the owner of a file:

sudo chown username filename


sudo chown alice document.txt

This command changes the owner of document.txt to alice.

2. Change the Owner and Group of a File

To change both the owner and the group of a file:

sudo chown username:groupname filename


sudo chown alice:admins document.txt

This sets the owner of document.txt to alice and the group to admins.

3. Change the Group of a File

If you only want to change the group of a file (while keeping the owner the same):

sudo chown :groupname filename


sudo chown :staff document.txt

This changes the group of document.txt to staff but keeps the owner unchanged.

4. Change the Ownership of a Directory and Its Contents (-R)

To recursively change the owner of a directory and all its files and subdirectories:

sudo chown -R username:groupname /path/to/directory


sudo chown -R alice:admins /home/alice

This changes the ownership of all files and directories inside /home/alice to alice (owner) and admins (group).

5. Change the Ownership of Multiple Files

You can change the ownership of multiple files by listing them all:

sudo chown alice:admins file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

This changes the owner and group of all three files.

6. Change the Ownership of All Files in a Directory

To change ownership of all files in a directory without modifying the directories themselves:

sudo chown --from=current_owner username:groupname /path/to/directory/*

This updates ownership only for files within the directory, not the directory itself.

Options for chown

1. Preserve Existing Ownership for Certain Files (--no-dereference)

To avoid changing symbolic links (symlinks) and their target files:

sudo chown --no-dereference username:groupname symlink

This changes ownership for the symlink, not its target.

2. Verbose Output (-v)

To show the files that have been changed:

sudo chown -v username:groupname filename


sudo chown -v alice:admins document.txt


changed ownership of 'document.txt' to alice:admins

3. Change Ownership Based on a Specific User (--reference)

To change the ownership of a file to match another file:

sudo chown --reference=example.txt document.txt

This makes the ownership of document.txt the same as example.txt.


1. Changing Ownership of a Single File

sudo chown bob document.txt

Changes the owner of document.txt to bob.

2. Changing Ownership of a Directory Recursively

sudo chown -R alice:staff /home/alice

Changes the ownership of /home/alice and all files inside it to alice (owner) and staff (group).

3. Changing Group Ownership

sudo chown :dev team1.txt

Changes the group of team1.txt to dev while keeping the owner the same.

4. Change Ownership of Multiple Files

sudo chown alice:admins file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

This changes the owner and group of file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt to alice and admins.

Important Notes on chown

  • Root Access: The chown command typically requires superuser (root) privileges to change the ownership of files, especially those owned by other users or system files.
  • Symbolic Links: By default, chown does not follow symbolic links unless explicitly specified with the -h option.
  • Group Ownership: A user can belong to multiple groups. Changing the group ownership does not affect the user's primary group unless specified.


The chown command is an essential tool for managing file ownership in Linux. By changing file ownership and group assignments, administrators can ensure that files are properly secured and only accessible by the correct users.

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