Linux cd command

Linux cd command

Linux cd Command – Change Directory

The cd (change directory) command in Linux is one of the most commonly used commands. It is used to navigate between directories in the filesystem. It's a fundamental part of interacting with the terminal and allows you to move around the directory structure to access files and folders.

Syntax of cd

  • DIRECTORY → The path to the directory you want to switch to. If no directory is specified, it defaults to the user's home directory.

Common Usage of cd

1. Change to a Specific Directory

To navigate to a specific directory, provide the path:

cd /path/to/directory


cd /home/user/Documents

This moves you to the Documents directory.

2. Change to Your Home Directory

You can return to your home directory by simply typing:



cd ~

Both commands will take you to the user's home directory (e.g., /home/user).

3. Change to the Parent Directory

To move to the parent directory (one level up):

cd ..

This will move you up one level in the directory structure.

4. Change to the Previous Directory

To switch back to the directory you were in previously:

cd -

This will take you to the last directory you were in, making it useful for toggling between two directories.

5. Change to the Root Directory

To go directly to the root directory (/):

cd /

This takes you to the top-level directory of the filesystem.

6. Change to a Directory Using a Relative Path

Relative paths allow you to navigate to directories from your current location without specifying the full path.
For example, if you're in /home/user and want to move to Documents inside the home directory:

cd Documents

This will move you to /home/user/Documents.

7. Change to a Directory Using an Absolute Path

An absolute path begins with the root (/) and specifies the full path to the directory:

cd /home/user/Documents

This will move you directly to the Documents directory from anywhere on the system.

8. Change to a Directory with Special Characters

To change to a directory with spaces or special characters in its name, wrap the path in quotes:

cd "My Documents/Work Files"

Alternatively, you can escape spaces using a backslash:

cd My\ Documents/Work\ Files

Tips for Using cd Efficiently

1. Using Tab Autocomplete

Linux supports tab completion, which allows you to press Tab to auto-complete directory names.
For example, if you type cd /ho and press Tab, it will autocomplete to /home/. If there are multiple matches, you can press Tab twice to show all possibilities.

2. Using ~ for Home Directory

You can use the ~ (tilde) character as a shortcut to your home directory, which saves time when navigating long paths:

cd ~/Documents

This is equivalent to /home/user/Documents.

3. Using . (Dot) for Current Directory

To refer to the current directory, use a single dot (.). For example, you can list files in the current directory:

cd .

Though it's not often necessary, it's helpful for scripts or certain applications.


1. Change to a Directory

cd /var/log

This will take you to the log directory inside /var.

2. Change to a Directory Using Relative Path

cd Projects

If you're currently in /home/user/, this will move you to /home/user/Projects.

3. Change Back to the Previous Directory

cd -

If you're in /home/user/ and then navigate to /var/log, using cd - will return you to /home/user/.

Error Handling in cd

  • Directory does not exist: If the specified directory does not exist, you'll see an error:

    bash: cd: /nonexistent/directory: No such file or directory
  • Permission denied: If you do not have the necessary permissions to access a directory, you’ll get an error:

    bash: cd: /restricted/directory: Permission denied


The cd command is an essential part of navigating the Linux filesystem. Whether you’re switching between directories, using relative or absolute paths, or quickly moving to your home directory, mastering cd will make you more efficient on the command line.

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