Deleting Files in Git

Deleting Files in Git

Deleting Files in Git: A Complete Guide

What is Deleting Files in Git?

In Git, deleting files refers to removing files from both your working directory (the file system) and from Git’s tracking system. When you delete a file, Git needs to be informed about it so that the change is properly reflected in the version history. If you delete a file and don't tell Git, it may still be tracked in the index (staging area), causing confusion in later commits.

Why Delete Files in Git?

  1. Project Cleanup: As projects evolve, unnecessary or obsolete files accumulate. Deleting these files helps keep the repository clean and easier to maintain.

  2. Refactoring: During refactoring or restructuring, some files may become redundant and can be removed to simplify the project.

  3. Mistakes or Accidental Additions: Sometimes files are accidentally added to the repository or committed when they shouldn't be. In these cases, deleting files may be necessary to revert the mistake.

Git’s Approach to Deleting Files

When you delete a file, Git needs to know that you intend to remove it from both your working directory and the repository history. This ensures that the file will no longer be tracked or included in future commits. Git also offers options to remove files from the staging area but leave them on the file system if desired.

Deleting Files in Git

To delete files in Git, you typically use the git rm command. There are a few variations of this command depending on whether you want to delete the file from both the working directory and Git, or just from Git (while keeping it in the file system).

Deleting Files with git rm

  1. Delete a File and Stage the Removal: To delete a file both from your working directory and from Git’s tracking, use the git rm command:

    git rm <file-name>


    git rm oldfile.txt

    This command removes the file from the working directory and stages the deletion for the next commit.

  2. Commit the Deletion: After removing the file, you need to commit the change to record the deletion in the repository:

    git commit -m "Deleted oldfile.txt"

Deleting a File but Keeping It Locally

Sometimes, you may want to remove a file from Git’s tracking system but keep the file on your local file system (e.g., for temporary backup or archival purposes). In this case, you can use the --cached option with git rm:

  1. Remove the File from Git but Keep It Locally: To keep the file in your local working directory but stop Git from tracking it, use:

    git rm --cached <file-name>


    git rm --cached config.json

    This command removes the file from the staging area and future commits, but leaves it intact in your local directory.

  2. Commit the Removal: After running the above command, commit the change to remove the file from Git’s version control:

    git commit -m "Stopped tracking config.json"

Deleting Multiple Files

To delete multiple files at once, you can specify each file name with git rm or use wildcard characters to target a group of files.

  1. Delete Multiple Files:

    git rm file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
  2. Delete Files Matching a Pattern: If you want to delete all files with a certain extension or pattern, you can use a wildcard:

    git rm *.log

    This command will remove all .log files in the current directory and subdirectories.

Deleting Files from a Directory

If you want to delete all files in a directory (but not the directory itself), you can use git rm with the -r option (recursive):

git rm -r folder-name/

This will delete all files inside the folder but leave the folder itself intact.

Undoing a File Deletion

If you mistakenly delete a file and want to undo the deletion, you can use git restore to revert the change before committing:

  1. Undo File Deletion Before Commit:

    git restore <file-name>


    git restore oldfile.txt

    This will restore the file to its previous state.

  2. Undo File Deletion After Commit: If the deletion was committed and you want to restore the file, you can use the following command to checkout the file from the last commit:

    git checkout HEAD^ -- <file-name>


    git checkout HEAD^ -- oldfile.txt

    This will bring back the file from the previous commit.

Deleting Files Without Committing the Change

If you delete a file but don't want to immediately commit the change, you can simply use the git rm command without committing:

  1. Delete the File Without Committing:

    git rm <file-name>

    Then, you can check the status and decide when to commit the deletion:

    git status

    This will show the file as staged for deletion, allowing you to review the changes before committing.

Deleting Files Using the File System (Without Git)

You can also delete a file manually using your operating system’s file management tools (e.g., rm in Unix-based systems or del in Windows). However, after deleting the file manually, you must let Git know about the deletion:

  1. Delete the File Manually: Delete the file through the file explorer or terminal.

  2. Stage the Deletion in Git: After deleting the file manually, stage the removal in Git using:

    git rm <file-name>


    git rm deletedfile.txt
  3. Commit the Change: Finally, commit the deletion:

    git commit -m "Deleted file manually"


Deleting files in Git is a simple yet important operation that helps you manage your repository by removing unnecessary files. Whether you want to completely remove files from both your working directory and Git, or just stop tracking them, Git provides flexible ways to handle file deletions. Be mindful of your file removal strategy, especially when working with a team, to avoid losing important history.

This guide should provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of how to delete files in Git. Let me know if you want to expand on any section or need more details!

Souy Soeng

Souy Soeng

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