PHP8 Switch…Case Statements

PHP8 Switch…Case Statements

PHP 8 Statements

The A switch statement in PHP is used to perform different actions based on different conditions. It is a more concise and readable alternative to multiple if...else statements, especially when dealing with multiple conditions that check the same variable.

PHP 8 introduces several improvements to the switch statement, making it even more powerful and flexible. It’s commonly used for checking the value of a single variable against multiple possible outcomes.

1. Basic Syntax of switch Statement

The basic syntax of a switch statement is as follows:

switch (expression) { case value1: // Code to execute if expression matches value1 break; case value2: // Code to execute if expression matches value2 break; case value3: // Code to execute if expression matches value3 break; default: // Code to execute if no case matches }
  • expression: The value that you want to evaluate.
  • case valueX:: These are the values you are checking the expression against.
  • break;: Stops the execution of the switch statement. If omitted, the next case will be executed even if it doesn’t match.
  • default:: This is an optional case that will be executed if none of the other cases match.

2. Example of switch Statement

$day = "Monday"; switch ($day) { case "Monday": echo "Start of the workweek!"; break; case "Wednesday": echo "Midweek day."; break; case "Friday": echo "End of the workweek!"; break; default: echo "It's a weekend!"; }


Start of the workweek!
  • The switch statement checks if $day matches any of the specified values ("Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday").
  • Since $day is "Monday", the first case is executed and then it breaks out of the switch statement.

3. The Role of break

The break statement is essential in a switch statement because it prevents the "fall-through" behavior, which occurs when a case doesn't have a break and the next case is executed.

Without break (Fall-through Behavior):

$day = "Monday"; switch ($day) { case "Monday": echo "Start of the workweek!"; case "Wednesday": echo "Midweek day."; case "Friday": echo "End of the workweek!"; default: echo "It's a weekend!"; }


Start of the workweek!Midweek day.End of the workweek!It's a weekend!
  • In this example, since there is no break after the first case, the code falls through and executes all the subsequent cases, even if they don't match.

4. Using switch with Multiple Conditions

PHP 8 allows you to evaluate multiple values in a case by using the match expression, which was introduced in PHP 8.0. This is not part of the traditional switch but is worth mentioning for more complex cases.

Example of match Expression in PHP 8:

$day = "Monday"; echo match($day) { "Monday" => "Start of the workweek!", "Wednesday" => "Midweek day.", "Friday" => "End of the workweek!", default => "It's a weekend!", };


Start of the workweek!
  • The match expression works similarly to switch but is more concise and returns a value directly without the need for break.
  • It also has the advantage of type safety, meaning the value must exactly match the given cases.

5. Using switch with default

The default case is executed when none of the other cases match. This is useful for handling unexpected or fallback values.

Example with default:

$age = 20; switch ($age) { case 18: echo "You are 18 years old!"; break; case 21: echo "You are 21 years old!"; break; default: echo "Your age is not 18 or 21."; }


Your age is not 18 or 21.
  • In this case, $age does not match either 18 or 21, so the default case is executed.

6. Complex Case Evaluation with Expressions (PHP 8)

In PHP 8, you can now use expressions in the switch case values.

Example with expressions in PHP 8:

$number = 10; switch (true) { case ($number > 0 && $number < 10): echo "Number is between 1 and 9."; break; case ($number >= 10 && $number < 20): echo "Number is between 10 and 19."; break; default: echo "Number is outside the expected range."; }


Number is between 10 and 19.
  • This is an advanced use case where the expression evaluates conditions (true), and each case evaluates logical conditions. This allows more flexibility in switch statements.

7. PHP 8 Switch Enhancements

  • Type-safe comparisons: In PHP 8, switch now performs strict type comparisons. This means that you can use strict types in switch cases to compare values exactly, unlike in older versions where type conversions could occur.


The switch statement is a useful control structure in PHP for handling multiple conditions based on a single variable. In PHP 8, you have the option to use match expressions for cleaner, more type-safe conditions. The basic switch works well for simple cases, while the new match expression provides enhanced flexibility and better syntax for multiple values.

Best Practices:

  1. Always include the break statement in each case to avoid unintentional fall-through.
  2. Use match for strict comparisons and more concise code.
  3. Use default for handling unexpected cases in the switch.
Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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