Understanding SQL IS NULL

In SQL, the IS NULL operator is used to check if a value in a column is NULL. A NULL value represents missing, undefined, or unknown data. It is not equivalent to an empty string ('') or zero (0); instead, it signifies the absence of a value.

Syntax of IS NULL

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name IS NULL;
  • column_name(s): The column(s) to retrieve from the table.
  • table_name: The table from which data is being retrieved.

To check for values that are not null, use the IS NOT NULL operator:

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL;

Key Features of IS NULL

  1. NULL Values: NULL represents missing or undefined data.
  2. Comparison Operators Don’t Work: You cannot use = or != to check for NULL. Instead, you must use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
  3. Logical Checks: IS NULL is often used in conditional statements to handle missing data effectively.

Examples of IS NULL Usage

1. Basic IS NULL Example

Find employees whose phone numbers are not recorded:

SELECT employee_id, name FROM employees WHERE phone_number IS NULL;


  • The query retrieves employees with NULL values in the phone_number column.

2. Basic IS NOT NULL Example

Find employees whose email addresses are available:

SELECT employee_id, name, email FROM employees WHERE email IS NOT NULL;


  • The query retrieves only employees with non-NULL values in the email column.

3. Using IS NULL in Updates

Update the department of employees where the department is currently NULL:

UPDATE employees SET department = 'Unassigned' WHERE department IS NULL;


  • The query assigns the department name 'Unassigned' to employees with missing department data.

4. Using IS NULL in Joins

Find all customers who have not placed any orders:

SELECT customers.customer_id, customers.name FROM customers LEFT JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id WHERE orders.order_id IS NULL;


  • The LEFT JOIN retrieves all customers, including those without orders.
  • The IS NULL condition filters customers with no matching entries in the orders table.

5. Conditional Handling with IS NULL

Assign a default value if a column is NULL using the COALESCE function:

SELECT employee_id, COALESCE(phone_number, 'N/A') AS phone FROM employees;


  • The COALESCE function replaces NULL values with 'N/A'.

Common Errors with IS NULL

  1. Using = to Compare NULL
    This results in no matches because NULL cannot be compared using = or !=.


    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE phone_number = NULL;


    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE phone_number IS NULL;
  2. Misinterpreting NULL vs. Empty String
    NULL is not the same as an empty string (''). Use IS NULL for NULL values and = '' for empty strings.

Real-World Applications of IS NULL

  1. Data Cleanup: Identify and update missing or incomplete data.

    UPDATE products SET price = 0 WHERE price IS NULL;
  2. Error Handling: Identify incomplete records in a dataset.

    SELECT * FROM orders WHERE shipping_address IS NULL;
  3. Business Insights: Detect areas with missing data for analysis or improvement.

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS missing_emails FROM customers WHERE email IS NULL;

Best Practices with IS NULL

  1. Handle NULL Explicitly: Always account for NULL values when designing queries, especially in joins and conditional logic.
  2. Use Default Values: Prevent NULL values by setting default values for columns during table creation.
    CREATE TABLE employees ( employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), phone_number VARCHAR(15) DEFAULT 'N/A' );
  3. Replace NULL When Necessary: Use functions like COALESCE or IFNULL to replace NULL with meaningful values.


The IS NULL operator is essential for managing missing or undefined data in SQL. By understanding how to identify and handle NULL values effectively, you can improve the accuracy of your queries and maintain data integrity in your database.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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