What is SQL AVG()?

The AVG() function in SQL is used to calculate the average (mean) value of a numeric column. It is a part of SQL's aggregate functions and works on a group of values to return a single value.


SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name [WHERE condition];
  • column_name: The numeric column whose average value you want to calculate.
  • WHERE condition: Optional filter to specify a subset of rows to calculate the average.

Key Features of SQL AVG()

  1. Excludes NULL Values: The AVG() function automatically ignores NULL values in the column.
  2. Works with Filters: You can use WHERE to filter specific rows for the calculation.
  3. Use with GROUP BY: Calculate averages for specific groups in the dataset.

Examples of SQL AVG()

1. Basic Usage

Calculate the average salary of employees.

SELECT AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM employees;

2. Using AVG() with a WHERE Clause

Calculate the average salary of employees in the "IT" department.

SELECT AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM employees WHERE department = 'IT';

3. Using AVG() with GROUP BY

Calculate the average salary of employees in each department.

SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM employees GROUP BY department;

4. Using AVG() with a HAVING Clause

Find departments where the average salary exceeds $50,000.

SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM employees GROUP BY department HAVING AVG(salary) > 50000;

5. Using AVG() with DISTINCT

Calculate the average of unique salaries.

SELECT AVG(DISTINCT salary) AS average_unique_salary FROM employees;

6. Using AVG() in a Subquery

Find employees whose salaries are above the company average.

SELECT name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary > ( SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees );

Common Use Cases for SQL AVG()

  1. Analyzing Financial Data: Calculating the average revenue, profit, or expenses.
    SELECT AVG(revenue) AS average_revenue FROM sales;
  2. Evaluating Employee Salaries: Finding discrepancies or trends in salary distributions.
  3. Monitoring Product Prices: Analyzing average pricing across categories.
    SELECT category, AVG(price) AS average_price FROM products GROUP BY category;

Handling NULL Values

The AVG() function automatically ignores NULL values. However, you can count the total rows considered by combining AVG() with COUNT().


Calculate the average salary, ensuring you know how many salaries were included in the calculation.

SELECT AVG(salary) AS average_salary, COUNT(salary) AS count_of_salaries FROM employees;

Performance Tips

  1. Index Columns: Ensure columns used in AVG() are indexed to optimize query performance.
  2. Filter Rows with WHERE: Use WHERE to reduce the dataset size before calculating averages.
  3. Avoid Large Result Sets: When working with GROUP BY, ensure the result set remains manageable.

Limitations of SQL AVG()

  1. Works Only on Numeric Data: You cannot use AVG() on text or non-numeric columns.
  2. Excludes NULL Values: While this is typically helpful, you must handle situations where missing data could skew analysis.


The SQL AVG() function is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for calculating the average value of numeric columns. Whether analyzing sales data, employee salaries, or product prices, AVG() helps uncover meaningful insights with minimal effort.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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