Understanding the SQL ANY Operator

The SQL ANY operator is used in conjunction with comparison operators (like =, <, >, <=, >=, and !=) to compare a value with a set of values retrieved by a subquery. It returns TRUE if any one of the values in the set meets the condition.

Syntax of ANY

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name comparison_operator ANY (subquery);
  • column_name: The column to be compared.
  • comparison_operator: A valid SQL comparison operator (=, <, >, etc.).
  • subquery: A subquery that returns a set of values to compare against.

Key Points About ANY

  1. Evaluates Against Multiple Values: ANY checks if the condition is satisfied for at least one value in the subquery.
  2. Works with Subqueries: Typically used with a subquery that returns a list of values.
  3. Opposite of ALL: While ANY checks if the condition is true for at least one value, ALL checks if the condition is true for all values.

Examples of Using ANY

1. Basic Example

Find employees who earn more than any employee in the "HR" department.

SELECT employee_id, name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary > ANY ( SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE department = 'HR' );


  • The subquery retrieves all salaries in the "HR" department.
  • The main query checks if the salary of an employee is greater than any one of these salaries.

2. Using ANY with < Operator

Find products that are cheaper than any product in category "A".

SELECT product_id, product_name, price FROM products WHERE price < ANY ( SELECT price FROM products WHERE category = 'A' );


  • The subquery retrieves all prices for products in category "A".
  • The main query checks for products whose price is less than at least one of these prices.

3. Using ANY with = Operator

Find employees working in departments where at least one employee earns $50,000.

SELECT employee_id, name, department FROM employees WHERE department = ANY ( SELECT department FROM employees WHERE salary = 50000 );


  • The subquery retrieves all departments with employees earning $50,000.
  • The main query checks if the department of an employee is in this list.

4. Using ANY with Dates

Find orders placed before any order in 2023.

SELECT order_id, order_date FROM orders WHERE order_date < ANY ( SELECT order_date FROM orders WHERE YEAR(order_date) = 2023 );


  • The subquery retrieves all order dates in 2023.
  • The main query checks for orders placed before at least one of these dates.

Common Mistakes with ANY

  1. Using ANY Without a Subquery
    ANY must always be paired with a subquery. Using it directly with a list of values will result in an error.


    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > ANY (50000, 60000);


    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > ANY ( SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE department = 'HR' );
  2. Misunderstanding the Operator’s Logic
    Remember, ANY only requires the condition to be true for one value in the subquery result.


While both ANY and IN compare a value to a set of values, there are key differences:

Comparison LogicRequires a comparison operator (<, >)Used for exact matches (=)
Subquery SupportWorks with a subqueryWorks with a subquery or a list of values
Examplesalary > ANY (subquery)salary IN (subquery)

Real-World Applications of ANY

  1. Competitive Analysis: Find products priced higher or lower than those of competitors.
  2. Employee Evaluations: Identify employees outperforming others in specific departments.
  3. Historical Comparisons: Retrieve records preceding certain events or dates.


The SQL ANY operator is a versatile tool for comparing a single value against a set of values. Its flexibility allows for complex queries and insightful data analysis. By mastering ANY, you can efficiently handle scenarios that require evaluating multiple possibilities.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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