SQL Alias

SQL Alias

Understanding SQL ALIAS

An SQL ALIAS is a temporary name assigned to a table or a column in a query. It improves readability and convenience, especially when working with complex queries, long table names, or derived columns. The ALIAS exists only during the execution of the query and does not alter the database schema.

Syntax of SQL ALIAS

Column Alias

SELECT column_name AS alias_name FROM table_name;
  • column_name: The column to which the alias is assigned.
  • alias_name: The temporary name for the column.

Table Alias

SELECT column_name FROM table_name AS alias_name;
  • table_name: The table to which the alias is assigned.
  • alias_name: The temporary name for the table.

Note: The keyword AS is optional in most databases.

Key Features of SQL ALIAS

  1. Improves Query Readability: Shortens long table or column names for easier understanding.
  2. Handles Derived Columns: Names the result of calculations or transformations.
  3. Simplifies Joins: Assigns short, descriptive names to tables for complex queries.

Examples of SQL ALIAS

1. Column Alias

Rename a column in the result set for better clarity:

SELECT first_name AS name, salary AS monthly_income FROM employees;


  • first_name is renamed to name.
  • salary is renamed to monthly_income.



2. Table Alias

Assign a short alias to a table for easier reference:

SELECT e.name, e.salary, d.department_name FROM employees AS e JOIN departments AS d ON e.department_id = d.department_id;


  • employees is aliased as e.
  • departments is aliased as d.

This reduces repetition and makes the query more concise.

3. Alias in Calculated Columns

Use an alias to name a calculated column:

SELECT name, salary, salary * 12 AS annual_income FROM employees;


  • The alias annual_income names the derived column salary * 12.

4. Alias in Joins

Use table aliases to simplify a query with multiple joins:

SELECT c.name AS customer_name, o.order_date, p.product_name FROM customers AS c JOIN orders AS o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id JOIN products AS p ON o.product_id = p.product_id;


  • customers, orders, and products are aliased as c, o, and p, respectively.

5. Alias Without AS

Many databases allow you to omit the AS keyword:

SELECT first_name name, salary monthly_income FROM employees;



Common Use Cases for SQL ALIAS

  1. Simplifying Long Table or Column Names:

    SELECT emp.id, emp.name, dep.name AS department_name FROM employees_table_long_name AS emp JOIN departments_table_long_name AS dep ON emp.department_id = dep.department_id;
  2. Handling Derived Data:
    Assigning meaningful names to derived columns improves clarity:

    SELECT price, price * 0.1 AS tax FROM products;
  3. Combining Data from Multiple Tables:
    Table aliases simplify queries with multiple tables:

    SELECT o.order_id, c.name, p.product_name FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id JOIN products p ON o.product_id = p.product_id;
  4. Improving Aggregated Data Representation:
    Use aliases to label aggregated results:

    SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS total_employees FROM employees GROUP BY department_id;

Alias Rules

  1. Temporary: Aliases only exist during query execution.
  2. Quoted Aliases: Use quotes ("alias_name" or [alias_name]) for aliases with spaces or special characters:
    SELECT salary AS "Monthly Income" FROM employees;
  3. Database-Specific Syntax: While most databases support aliases, some may have syntax variations.

Real-World Applications of SQL ALIAS

  1. Reporting: Rename columns for user-friendly report headers.

    SELECT product_name AS "Product", SUM(quantity) AS "Total Sold" FROM sales GROUP BY product_name;
  2. Data Analysis: Assign descriptive names to complex calculations.

    SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_amount) AS total_spent, AVG(order_amount) AS average_spent FROM orders GROUP BY customer_id;
  3. Simplifying Query Logic: Use aliases to avoid repetitive typing in queries involving multiple tables or columns.

Best Practices for SQL ALIAS

  1. Keep It Short and Descriptive: Use aliases that are easy to understand and relevant.
  2. Use Consistent Naming: Maintain consistent alias naming conventions for easier debugging and maintenance.
  3. Avoid Overuse: Use aliases only when they enhance clarity or simplify the query.


SQL ALIAS is a simple yet powerful feature for improving query readability and usability. By assigning temporary names to columns and tables, you can streamline complex queries and make your results more user-friendly. Understanding how and when to use aliases can greatly enhance your SQL proficiency.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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