PostgreSQL CONCAT Function

PostgreSQL CONCAT Function

 PostgreSQL CONCAT Function

Summary: in this tutorial, we will show you how to use the PostgreSQL CONCAT and CONCAT_WS functions to concatenate two or more strings into one.

Introduction to PostgreSQL CONCAT function

To concatenate two or more strings into one, you use the string concatenation operator || as the following example:

SELECT 'Concatenation' || ' ' || 'Operator' AS result_string;

The following statement concatenates a string with a NULL value:

SELECT 'Concat with ' || NULL AS result_string;

It returns a NULL value.

Since version 9.1, PostgreSQL introduced a built-in string function named CONCAT to concatenate two or more strings into one.

The following illustrates the syntax of the CONCAT function:

CONCAT(str_1, str_2, ...)

The CONCAT the function accepts a list of arguments. The argument needs to be convertible to a string. A string in this context means any of the following data types: char, varchar, or text.

The CONCAT the function is variadic. It means that the CONCAT function accepts an array as the argument. In this case, you need to mark the array with the VARIADIC keyword. The CONCAT function treats each array element as an argument.

Unlike the concatenation operator ||, the CONCAT function ignores  NULL arguments. We will see it in detail in the following section.

PostgreSQL CONCAT function examples

The following SELECT statement uses the CONCAT function to concatenate two strings into one:

SELECT CONCAT ('CONCAT',' ', 'function');

The following statement concatenates values in the first_name  last_name columns of the customer the table in the sample database.

SELECT CONCAT (first_name, ' ', last_name) AS "Full name" FROM customer;

In the following example, we use CONCAT function to concatenate a string with a NULL value.

SELECT CONCAT('Concat with ',NULL) AS result_string;

As you see, unlike the string concatenation operator ||, the CONCAT function ignores the NULL arguments.

The following statement concatenates strings with a number returned from the LENGTH function.

SELECT first_name, concat ( 'Your first name has ', LENGTH (first_name), ' characters' ) FROM customer;

PostgreSQL CONCAT_WS function

Besides the CONCAT function, PostgreSQL also provides you with the CONCAT_WS function that concatenates strings into one separated by a particular separator. By the way, WS stands for separator.

Like the CONCAT function, the CONCAT_WS function is also variadic and ignored NULL values.

The following illustrates the syntax of the CONCAT_WS function.


The separator is a string that separates all arguments in the result string.

The str_1str_2, etc., are strings or any arguments that can be converted into strings.

The CONCAT_WS the function returns a combined string that is the combination of str_1str_2, etc., separated by the separator.

PostgreSQL CONCAT_WS function example

The following statement concatenates the last name and first name and separates them by a comma and space:

SELECT concat_ws (', ', last_name, first_name) AS full_name FROM customer ORDER BY last_name;

In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the PostgreSQL CONCAT() and CONCAT_WS function to concatenate two or more strings into one.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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