MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches

MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches

MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches

MySQL Boolean Full-Text Searches provide a way to perform text searches within columns that are indexed with a full-text index. Boolean mode allows you to use special operators to fine-tune your search, making it more flexible and powerful than regular full-text searches.

In Boolean full-text search mode, you can combine different search terms with operators like +, -, *, > and <, and you can perform searches that include or exclude specific terms, search for terms in a specific position, or use wildcards.

Setting Up Full-Text Search in MySQL

Before performing a Boolean full-text search, ensure that the table you're searching has a full-text index. You can create a full-text index on columns of type TEXT, CHAR, or VARCHAR.

Example: Creating a Full-Text Index

CREATE TABLE articles ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR(255), content TEXT, FULLTEXT(title, content) -- Creating a full-text index on `title` and `content` );

After creating the index, MySQL will be able to perform full-text searches on these columns.

Basic Full-Text Search in MySQL

The basic syntax for performing a full-text search is:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE MATCH(column_name) AGAINST('search_term');

This will return rows where the search_term appears in the specified column (column_name).

Boolean Full-Text Search Syntax

In Boolean full-text search, you can use the following operators to control your search:

  1. + (Plus sign): This operator ensures that the word must be present in the results.
  2. - (Minus sign): This operator excludes rows that contain the word.
  3. * (Asterisk): This is a wildcard that matches any number of characters at the end of a word (e.g., comput* matches "computer," "computing," etc.).
  4. > (Greater-than sign): This operator boosts the relevance of a term (higher priority).
  5. < (Less-than sign): This operator lowers the relevance of a term (lower priority).
  6. " (Double quotes): Used to search for an exact phrase.
  7. () (Parentheses): Used to group terms and combine them with Boolean operators.

Using Boolean Operators in MySQL

Here’s how to use the Boolean operators in a search query.

1. Requiring a Term with +

You can use the + operator to ensure a term is present in the results. For example, to search for rows that must contain the term "laptop":

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('+laptop' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

2. Excluding a Term with -

You can use the - operator to exclude rows containing a specific term. For example, to search for rows that contain "laptop" but not "tablet":

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('+laptop -tablet' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

3. Using Wildcards with *

The * operator is a wildcard that matches any characters at the end of a word. For example, to search for "computing," "computer," or "computation":

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('comput*' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

This will match terms like "computer," "computing," "computation," etc.

4. Using Exact Phrases with " "

Use double quotes to search for exact phrases. For example, to search for the exact phrase "best laptop":

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('"best laptop"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

This will only return rows where the exact phrase "best laptop" appears.

5. Grouping Terms with Parentheses ()

You can group terms together and combine them with Boolean operators. For example, if you want to search for "laptop" or "tablet," but only include results that also mention "sale":

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('sale +laptop OR +tablet' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

This will return rows that contain either "laptop" or "tablet," but only if they also contain "sale."

6. Boosting Term Relevance with > and <

You can use the > and < operators to boost or lower the relevance of a term in the search results.

  • > boosts the relevance of a term.
  • < lowers the relevance of a term.

For example, if you want "laptop" to be more important than "tablet" in your search results:

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('laptop >tablet' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

This will return rows with "laptop" as more relevant than rows with "tablet."

Example: Complex Boolean Search Query

Let’s combine multiple operators in a single query.

Scenario: You have a table with product descriptions and you want to search for products that contain either "laptop" or "tablet," but exclude products that are related to "used" or "refurbished." You want to prioritize rows that mention "discount."

SELECT * FROM products WHERE MATCH(description) AGAINST('+laptop +tablet -used -refurbished >discount' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
  • +laptop +tablet: The row must contain "laptop" or "tablet."
  • -used -refurbished: The row must not contain "used" or "refurbished."
  • >discount: The rows containing "discount" will have higher relevance.

Limitations of Boolean Full-Text Search

  1. No Ranking: MySQL’s full-text search with Boolean mode doesn’t rank the results by default (but you can sort them by relevance if needed).
  2. Performance: For large datasets, full-text searches with Boolean mode can be slower than other types of queries. Indexing and query optimization can help mitigate performance issues.
  3. Limited Advanced Features: MySQL’s full-text search is basic compared to specialized search engines like Elasticsearch or Solr, which offer features like stemming, synonym handling, and more advanced ranking.


Boolean Full-Text Search in MySQL provides a flexible and powerful way to perform searches with greater control. By using operators like +, -, *, and others, you can fine-tune your search queries to include or exclude certain terms, search for phrases, and rank results by relevance. While it's a great tool for basic search needs, for more complex and large-scale search functionality, consider integrating MySQL with more advanced search engines such as Elasticsearch.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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