Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL ROLLUP clause to generate subtotals and grand totals.

Setting up a sample table

The following statement creates a new table  sales that stores the order values summarized by product lines and years. The data comes from the productsorders, and orderDetails tables in the sample database.

CREATE TABLE sales SELECT productLine, YEAR(orderDate) orderYear, SUM(quantityOrdered * priceEach) orderValue FROM orderDetails INNER JOIN orders USING (orderNumber) INNER JOIN products USING (productCode) GROUP BY productLine , YEAR(orderDate);

The following query returns all rows from the sales table:

SELECT * FROM sales;

MySQL ROLLUP overview

A grouping set is a set of columns to which you want to group. For example, the following query creates a grouping set denoted by (productline)

SELECT productline, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales GROUP BY productline;

The following query creates an empty grouping set denoted by ():

SELECT SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales;

If you want to generate two or more grouping sets together in one query, you may use the UNION ALL operator as follows:

SELECT productline, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales GROUP BY productline UNION ALL SELECT NULL, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales;

Here is the query output:

Because the UNION ALL requires all queries to have the same number of columns, we added NULL in the select list of the second query to fulfill this requirement.

The NULL in the productLine column identifies the grand total super-aggregate line.

This query is able to generate the total order values by product lines and also the grand total row. However, it has two problems:

  1. The query is quite lengthy.
  2. The performance of the query may not be good since the database engine has to internally execute two separate queries and combine the result sets into one.

To solve those issues, you can use the ROLLUP clause.

The ROLLUP a clause is an extension of the GROUP BY the clause with the following syntax:

SELECT select_list FROM table_name GROUP BY c1, c2, c3 WITH ROLLUP;

The ROLLUP generates multiple grouping sets based on the columns or expressions specified in the GROUP BY clause.

See the following query:

SELECT productLine, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales GROUP BY productline WITH ROLLUP;

Here is the output:

As clearly shown in the output, the ROLLUP clause generates not only the subtotals but also the grand total of the order values.

If you have more than one column specified in the GROUP BY clause, the ROLLUP clause assumes a hierarchy among the input columns.

For example:


The ROLLUP assumes that there is the following hierarchy:

c1 > c2 > c3

And it generates the following grouping sets:

(c1, c2, c3) (c1, c2) (c1) ()

And in case you have two columns specified in the GROUP BY clause:


then the ROLLUP generates the following grouping sets:

(c1, c2) (c1) ()

See the following query example:

SELECT productLine, orderYear, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales GROUP BY productline, orderYear WITH ROLLUP;

Here is the output:

The ROLLUP generates the subtotal row every time the product line changes and the grand total at the end of the result.

The hierarchy in this case is:

productLine > orderYear

If you reverse the hierarchy, for example:

SELECT orderYear, productLine, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales GROUP BY orderYear, productline WITH ROLLUP;

The following picture shows the output:

The ROLLUP generates the subtotal every time the year changes and the grand total at the end of the result set.

The hierarchy in this example is:

orderYear > productLine

GROUPING() function

To check whether NULL in the result set represents the subtotals or grand totals, you use the GROUPING() function.

The GROUPING() function returns 1 when NULL occurs in a supper-aggregate row, otherwise, it returns 0.

The GROUPING() function can be used in the select list, HAVING clause, and (as of MySQL 8.0.12 ) ORDER BY clause.

Consider the following query:

SELECT orderYear, productLine, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue, GROUPING(orderYear), GROUPING(productLine) FROM sales GROUP BY orderYear, productline WITH ROLLUP;

The following picture shows the output:

The GROUPING(orderYear) returns 1 when NULL in the orderYear column occurs in a super-aggregate row, 0 otherwise.

Similarly, the GROUPING(productLine) returns 1 when NULL in the productLine column occurs in a super-aggregate row, 0 otherwise.

We often use GROUPING() function to substitute meaningful labels for super-aggregate NULL values instead of displaying it directly.

The following example shows how to combine the IF() function with the GROUPING() function to substitute labels for the super-aggregate NULL values in orderYear and productLine columns:

SELECT IF(GROUPING(orderYear), 'All Years', orderYear) orderYear, IF(GROUPING(productLine), 'All Product Lines', productLine) productLine, SUM(orderValue) totalOrderValue FROM sales GROUP BY orderYear , productline WITH ROLLUP;

The output is:

In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the MySQL ROLLUP() to generate multiple grouping sets considering a hierarchy between columns specified in the GROUP BY clause.


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