Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL RIGHT JOIN to query data from two tables.

Introduction to MySQL RIGHT JOIN clause

MySQL RIGHT JOIN is similar to LEFT JOIN, except that the treatment of the joined tables is reversed.

Here is the syntax of the RIGHT JOIN of two tables t1 and t2:

SELECT select_last FROM t1 RIGHT JOIN t2 ON join_condition;

In this syntax:

  • t1 is the left table and t2 is the right table
  • join_condition specifies the rule for matching rows in both tables.

If the join_condition uses the equal operator (=) and the joined columns of both tables have the same name, you can use the USING syntax:

SELECT select_last FROM t1 RIGHT JOIN t2 USING(column_name);

So the following join conditions are equivalent:

ON t1.column_name = t2.column_name


USING (column_name);

How the RIGHT JOIN works.

The RIGHT JOIN starts selecting data from the right table (t2). It matches each row from the right table with every row from the left table. If both rows cause the join condition to evaluate to TRUE, it combines columns into a new row and includes this new row in the result set.

If a row from the right table does not have a matching row from the left table, it combines columns of rows from the right table with NULL values for all columns of the right table into a new row and includes this row in the result set.

In other words, the RIGHT JOIN returns all rows from the right table regardless of having matching rows from the left table or not.

It’s important to emphasize that RIGHT JOIN and LEFT JOIN clauses are functionally equivalent and they can replace each other as long as the table order is reversed.

Note that the RIGHT OUTER JOIN is a synonym for RIGHT JOIN.


We’ll use the tables employees and customers from the sample database for the demonstration:

The column salesRepEmployeeNumber in the table customers links to the column employeeNumber in the employees table.

A sales representative, or an employee, may be in charge of zero or more customers. And each customer is taken care of by zero or one sales representative.

If the value in the column salesRepEmployeeNumber is NULL, it means the customer does not have any sales representative.

1) Simple MySQL RIGHT JOIN example

This statement uses the RIGHT JOIN clause join the table customers with the table employees.

SELECT employeeNumber, customerNumber FROM customers RIGHT JOIN employees ON salesRepEmployeeNumber = employeeNumber ORDER BY employeeNumber;

In this example:

  • The RIGHT JOIN returns all rows from the table employees whether rows in the table employees have matching values in the column salesRepEmployeeNumber of the table customers.
  • If a row from the table employees has no matching row from the table customers , the RIGHT JOIN uses NULL for the customerNumber column.

2) Using MySQL RIGHT JOIN to find unmatching rows

The following statement uses the RIGHT JOIN clause to find employees who do not in charge of any customers:

SELECT employeeNumber, customerNumber FROM customers RIGHT JOIN employees ON salesRepEmployeeNumber = employeeNumber WHERE customerNumber is NULL ORDER BY employeeNumber;

In this tutorial, you have learned how to use the MySQL RIGHT JOIN to query data from two tables.


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