The REPLACE statement in MySQL is used to insert a new row into a table or replace an existing row if a duplicate key value is detected. It acts as a combination of INSERT and DELETE, ensuring that duplicate keys are handled by first deleting the existing row and then inserting the new one.


REPLACE INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...);
  • table_name: The table where the operation is performed.
  • column1, column2, ...: The columns where data is inserted.
  • value1, value2, ...: The values to insert into the respective columns.

Alternatively, the syntax can be used SET to assign values to columns:

REPLACE INTO table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...;

How It Works

  1. If the row being inserted does not conflict with existing rows (based on a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index), it is inserted as a new row.
  2. If there is a conflict, the existing row is deleted and replaced with the new row.
  3. The REPLACE statement requires the table to have a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index to identify conflicts.


1. Replace Based on Primary Key

Suppose you have a table products with the following structure:

CREATE TABLE products ( product_id INT PRIMARY KEY, product_name VARCHAR(100), price DECIMAL(10, 2) );

Insert a new row, or replace an existing one if the product_id already exists:

REPLACE INTO products (product_id, product_name, price) VALUES (1, 'Laptop', 799.99);

If product_id = 1 exists, the row is replaced. Otherwise, it is inserted.

2. Replace Using UNIQUE Constraint

If the table has a UNIQUE index on a column (e.g., product_name), the REPLACE statement replaces rows based on this constraint.

CREATE TABLE inventory ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, product_name VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE, quantity INT ); REPLACE INTO inventory (product_name, quantity) VALUES ('Smartphone', 100), ('Tablet', 50);

If product_name = 'Smartphone' already exists, it will be replaced with the new quantity.

3. Replace Using SET Syntax

The SET syntax is an alternative way to specify column values:

REPLACE INTO products SET product_id = 2, product_name = 'Phone', price = 499.99;

Key Features

  1. Deletes and Inserts:

    • The REPLACE statement deletes the conflicting row and then inserts the new one.
    • This can trigger DELETE and INSERT triggers if defined in the table.
  2. Requires Index:

    • A PRIMARY KEY or the UNIQUE index must exist for the REPLACE statement to work.
  3. Auto-Increment Behavior:

    • If the table has an AUTO_INCREMENT column, a new ID is generated even if the row is replaced.

Use Cases

  1. Data Synchronization: Replace outdated data with the latest information.
  2. Upserting Data: Insert new data or update existing data without manually checking for duplicates.
  3. Handling Conflicts: Simplifies operations when working with tables that have unique constraints.


Deletes Existing RowYesNo
TriggersTriggers DELETE and INSERTTriggers UPDATE
Row ReplacedDeletes and re-insertsUpdates existing row
EfficiencyLess efficient due to deletionMore efficient for updates


  1. Potential Data Loss: Existing rows are deleted before insertion, which can lead to loss of data not explicitly included in the new row.
  2. Performance Overhead: The delete-and-insert process is less efficient compared to INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.
  3. Trigger Implications: If triggers are defined, they may be executed unexpectedly.


The REPLACE statement in MySQL is a useful tool for handling duplicate keys by replacing existing rows. While it simplifies upserting operations, it should be used carefully due to potential data loss and performance implications. For scenarios where updating specific columns is preferred, consider using INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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