The LIMIT clause in MySQL is used to restrict the number of rows returned by a query. It is particularly useful when you only need a subset of the data, such as for pagination or sampling.


SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name LIMIT [offset,] row_count;
  • row_count: Specifies the maximum number of rows to return.
  • offset (optional): Specifies the starting point (zero-based index) for the rows to return.

1. Basic Usage of LIMIT


Retrieve the first 5 rows from the employees table:

SELECT id, name, department FROM employees LIMIT 5;


+----+--------+------------+ | id | name | department | +----+--------+------------+ | 1 | Alice | IT | | 2 | Bob | HR | | 3 | Carol | Finance | | 4 | Dave | Marketing | | 5 | Eve | IT | +----+--------+------------+

2. Using LIMIT with OFFSET


Skip the first 5 rows and retrieve the next 5 rows:

SELECT id, name, department FROM employees LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5;


SELECT id, name, department FROM employees LIMIT 5, 5;


+----+--------+------------+ | id | name | department | +----+--------+------------+ | 6 | Frank | Sales | | 7 | Grace | IT | | 8 | Heidi | HR | | 9 | Ivan | Marketing | | 10 | Judy | Finance | +----+--------+------------+

3. Pagination with LIMIT

Pagination involves retrieving a specific number of rows from a table in chunks.


Display page 3 of a dataset with 10 rows per page:

SELECT id, name, department FROM employees LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20;

This skips the first 20 rows (for pages 1 and 2) and retrieves the next 10 rows.


It is common to use LIMIT with ORDER BY to control the order of the results before applying the limit.


Get the top 3 highest-paid employees:

SELECT id, name, salary FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 3;


+----+--------+--------+ | id | name | salary | +----+--------+--------+ | 7 | Grace | 120000 | | 5 | Eve | 115000 | | 3 | Carol | 110000 | +----+--------+--------+

5. Combining LIMIT with WHERE

You can combine the LIMIT clause with the WHERE clause to filter and restrict results.


Find the first 2 employees in the "IT" department:

SELECT id, name, department FROM employees WHERE department = 'IT' LIMIT 2;

6. Using LIMIT in Subqueries

The LIMIT clause can be used in subqueries to retrieve a subset of rows.


Find the department with the lowest salary:

SELECT department FROM employees ORDER BY salary ASC LIMIT 1;

7. Common Mistakes

  1. Missing OFFSET: When specifying an offset, it must be followed by the row count:

    SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT OFFSET 5; -- Incorrect SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5; -- Correct
  2. Order of Results Without ORDER BY: When using LIMIT without ORDER BY, the rows returned might be in an arbitrary order.

    SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 5; -- Arbitrary order SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 5; -- Consistent order

8. Performance Considerations

  1. Large Offsets: Using a large OFFSET can degrade performance because MySQL still scans all rows before skipping to the desired position.

    • Optimize with indexed columns or alternative techniques like using a "bookmark" (WHERE id > last_id).
  2. Indexes: Ensure the ORDER BY column is indexed to improve performance when used with LIMIT.

9. Best Practices for Pagination

  1. Use Indexed Columns: Instead of LIMIT with large offsets, use indexed columns for efficient pagination:

    SELECT id, name FROM employees WHERE id > 100 LIMIT 10;
  2. Retrieve Total Count: For pagination interfaces, retrieve the total count separately:

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows FROM employees;

Let me know if you'd like further examples or explanations!

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

Website that learns and reads, PHP, Framework Laravel, How to and download Admin template sample source code free.

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