MySQL IF Statement

MySQL IF Statement


MySQL IF Statement

Summaryin this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL IF statement to execute a block of SQL code based on a specified condition.

Note that MySQL has an IF() function that is different from the IF the statement described in this tutorial.

The IF statement has three forms: simple IF-THEN statement, IF-THEN-ELSE statement, and IF-THEN-ELSEIF- ELSE statement.

MySQL simple IF-THEN statement

The IF-THEN the statement allows you to execute a set of SQL statements based on a specified condition. The following illustrates the syntax of the IF-THEN statement:

IF condition THEN statements; END IF;

In this syntax:

  • First, specify a condition to execute the code between the IF-THEN and END IF . If the condition evaluates to TRUE, the statements between IF-THEN and END IF will execute. Otherwise, the control is passed to the next statement following the END IF.
  • Second, specify the code that will execute if the condition evaluates to TRUE.

We’ll use the customers table from the sample database for the demonstration:

See the following GetCustomerLevel() stored procedure.

DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE GetCustomerLevel( IN pCustomerNumber INT, OUT pCustomerLevel VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN DECLARE credit DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT 0; SELECT creditLimit INTO credit FROM customers WHERE customerNumber = pCustomerNumber; IF credit > 50000 THEN SET pCustomerLevel = 'PLATINUM'; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ;

The stored procedure GetCustomerLevel() accepts two parameters: pCustomerNumber and pCustomerLevel.

  • First, select creditLimit of the customer specified by the pCustomerNumber from the customers table and store it in the local variable credit.
  • Then, set value for the OUT parameter pCustomerLevel to PLATINUM if the credit limit of the customer is greater than 50,000.

This statement finds all customers that have a credit limit greater than 50,000:

SELECT customerNumber, creditLimit FROM customers WHERE creditLimit > 50000 ORDER BY creditLimit DESC;

Here is the partial output:

These statements call the GetCustomerLevel() stored procedure for customer 141 and show the value of the OUT parameter pCustomerLevel:

CALL GetCustomerLevel(141, @level); SELECT @level;

Because customer 141 has a credit limit greater than 50,000, its level is set to PLATINUM as expected.

MySQL IF-THEN-ELSE statement

In case you want to execute other statements when the condition in the IF the branch does not evaluate to TRUE, you can use the IF-THEN-ELSE a statement as follows:

IF condition THEN statements; ELSE else-statements; END IF;

In this syntax, if the condition evaluates to TRUE, the statements between IF-THEN and ELSE execute. Otherwise, the else-statements between the ELSE and END IF execute.

Let’s modify the GetCustomerLevel() stored procedure.

First, drop the GetCustomerLevel() stored procedure:

DROP PROCEDURE GetCustomerLevel;

Then, create the GetCustomerLevel() stored procedure with the new code:

DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE GetCustomerLevel( IN pCustomerNumber INT, OUT pCustomerLevel VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN DECLARE credit DECIMAL DEFAULT 0; SELECT creditLimit INTO credit FROM customers WHERE customerNumber = pCustomerNumber; IF credit > 50000 THEN SET pCustomerLevel = 'PLATINUM'; ELSE SET pCustomerLevel = 'NOT PLATINUM'; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ;

In this new stored procedure, we include the ELSE branch. If the credit is not greater than 50,000, we set the customer level to NOT PLATINUM in the block between ELSE and END IF.

This query finds customers that have credit limits less than or equal 50,000:

SELECT customerNumber, creditLimit FROM customers WHERE creditLimit <= 50000 ORDER BY creditLimit DESC;

This picture shows the partial output:

The following statements call the stored procedure for customer number 447  and show the value of the OUT parameter pCustomerLevel:

CALL GetCustomerLevel(447, @level); SELECT @level;

The credit limit of the customer 447 is less than 50,000, therefore, the statement in the ELSE branch executes and sets the value of the OUT parameter pCustomerLevel to NOT PLATINUM.


If you want to execute statements conditionally based on multiple conditions, you use the following IF-THEN-ELSEIF-ELSE statement:

IF condition THEN statements; ELSEIF elseif-condition THEN elseif-statements; ... ELSE else-statements; END IF;

In this syntax, if the condition evaluates to TRUE , the statements in the IF-THEN branch executes; otherwise, the next elseif-condition is evaluated.

If the elseif-condition evaluates to TRUE, the elseif-statement executes; otherwise, the next elseif-condition is evaluated.

The IF-THEN-ELSEIF-ELSE the statement can have multiple ELSEIF branches.

If no condition in the IF and ELSE IF evaluates to TRUE, the else-statements in the ELSE branch will execute.

We will modify the GetCustomerLevel() stored procedure to use the IF-THEN-ELSEIF-ELSE statement.

First, drop the GetCustomerLevel() stored procedure:

DROP PROCEDURE GetCustomerLevel;

Then, create the new GetCustomerLevel() a stored procedure that uses the IF-THEN-ELSEIF-ELSE statement.

DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE GetCustomerLevel( IN pCustomerNumber INT, OUT pCustomerLevel VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN DECLARE credit DECIMAL DEFAULT 0; SELECT creditLimit INTO credit FROM customers WHERE customerNumber = pCustomerNumber; IF credit > 50000 THEN SET pCustomerLevel = 'PLATINUM'; ELSEIF credit <= 50000 AND credit > 10000 THEN SET pCustomerLevel = 'GOLD'; ELSE SET pCustomerLevel = 'SILVER'; END IF; END $$ DELIMITER ;

In this stored procedure:

  • If the credit is greater than 50,000, the level of the customer is PLATINUM.
  • If the credit is less than or equal 50,000 and greater than 10,000, then the level of customer is GOLD.
  • Otherwise, the level of the customer is SILVER.

These statements call the stored procedure GetCustomerLevel() and show the level of the customer 447:

CALL GetCustomerLevel(447, @level); SELECT @level;

If you test the stored procedure with the customer that has a credit limit of 10000 or less, you will get the output as SILVER.

In this tutorial, you have learned how to use MySQL IF statement to conditionally execute a block of code based on specified conditions.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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