MySQL Full-Text Search

MySQL Full-Text Search

MySQL Full-Text Search

MySQL Full-Text Search (FTS) is a powerful way to perform advanced text-based searches within database tables. Unlike simple pattern matching with LIKE, Full-Text Search allows natural language queries, boolean searches, and query expansion, making it ideal for searching large text-based datasets efficiently.

1. What is MySQL Full-Text Search?

Full-Text Search (FTS) enables searching for complex text patterns in MySQL databases, providing fast and accurate results compared to regular SQL searches.

Key Features:

✅ Supports Natural Language searches
✅ Allows Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT, etc.)
✅ Works with large text fields (TEXT, VARCHAR)
✅ Uses indexes for better performance

2. Enabling Full-Text Search in MySQL

Supported Storage Engines

  • InnoDB (MySQL 5.6+)
  • MyISAM

Supported Data Types

  • CHAR

3. Creating a Full-Text Index

To enable FTS, you must create a FULLTEXT index on the desired columns.

Example: Creating a Table with Full-Text Index

CREATE TABLE articles ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(255), content TEXT, FULLTEXT(title, content) -- Creating Full-Text Index );

If the table already exists, add an index using:

ALTER TABLE articles ADD FULLTEXT(title, content);

4. Performing Full-Text Searches

4.1 Natural Language Search (Default Mode)

MySQL automatically ranks results based on relevance.

Example: Searching for "database optimization"

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('database optimization');
  • Returns rows ordered by relevance (best match first).
  • Stopwords (common words like "the", "and") are ignored.
  • Searches for inflectional forms (e.g., "running" matches "run").

4.2 Boolean Mode Search

Allows fine-grained searches using operators like +, -, *, etc.

Example: Boolean Search

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('+MySQL -MongoDB' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

+MySQL → Must contain "MySQL"
-MongoDB → Must NOT contain "MongoDB"

Boolean Operators in MySQL Full-Text Search

+Word must be present
-Word must NOT be present
*Wildcard (e.g., run* finds "running")
"Exact phrase match ("database optimization")
> / <Adjust ranking (e.g., >MySQL <MongoDB)

Example: Searching for exact phrases

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('"database optimization"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

4.3 Query Expansion Mode

MySQL automatically expands queries based on related words.

Example: Using Query Expansion

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('search engine' WITH QUERY EXPANSION);
  • MySQL first searches for "search engine", then adds similar words to refine the results.

5. Ranking & Relevance in Full-Text Search

MySQL assigns a relevance score (higher = better match).

Example: Displaying Relevance Score

SELECT id, title, MATCH(title, content) AGAINST('MySQL Performance') AS relevance FROM articles ORDER BY relevance DESC;
  • Higher values indicate better matches.

6. Handling Stopwords & Minimum Word Length

By default, MySQL ignores common words (e.g., "the", "is") and short words (<4 characters).

Modifying Stopwords

To customize stopwords:

  1. Create a custom stopword file (e.g., /var/lib/mysql/stopwords.txt).
  2. Modify MySQL settings:
    innodb_ft_server_stopword_table = mydatabase.my_stopwords
  3. Restart MySQL.

Changing Minimum Word Length

By default, words < 4 characters are ignored. To allow shorter words:

[mysqld] ft_min_word_len=3

Then rebuild the index:


7. Full-Text Search vs. LIKE

FeatureFULLTEXT SearchLIKE Operator
SpeedFaster (uses index)Slow (no index)
RankingYes (relevance score)No ranking
WildcardsSupports (*, "...")Only % and _
Boolean SearchYes (+, -, etc.)No
Large Text FieldsEfficientSlow

✅ Use FULLTEXT for complex searches on large text fields.
❌ Use LIKE only for simple string matches.

8. Common Issues & Troubleshooting

Issue 1: No Results for Common Words

  • MySQL ignores stopwords.
  • Solution: Use Boolean Mode or disable stopwords.

Issue 2: Small Words Not Found

  • Words shorter than 4 characters are ignored.
  • Solution: Change ft_min_word_len to 3.

Issue 3: No Results in Boolean Mode

  • Must use Boolean operators (+, -, *).

9. Conclusion

MySQL Full-Text Search is powerful for searching large text datasets.
✅ It supports natural language, boolean search, and query expansion.
Indexes improve performance compared to LIKE.

For advanced text searching, Full-Text Search is a must-have tool in MySQL! 🚀

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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