How To Rename Table Using MySQL RENAME TABLE Statement

How To Rename Table Using MySQL RENAME TABLE Statement

How To Rename a Table Using MySQL RENAME TABLE Statement

The RENAME TABLE statement in MySQL is used to rename an existing table. This operation is straightforward and allows renaming one or multiple tables in a single command.


RENAME TABLE old_table_name TO new_table_name;
  • old_table_name: The current name of the table.
  • new_table_name: The new name you want to assign to the table.

1. Renaming a Single Table


Rename a table from employees to staff:

RENAME TABLE employees TO staff;

2. Renaming Multiple Tables

You can rename multiple tables in a single RENAME TABLE statement by separating each pair of old and new table names with commas.


Rename orders to customer_orders and products to inventory:

RENAME TABLE orders TO customer_orders, products TO inventory;

3. Check the Renamed Table

After renaming the table, you can verify the changes using the SHOW TABLES statement.



4. Constraints and Dependencies

  1. Views and Foreign Keys:
    Renaming a table does not automatically update references in views, triggers, stored procedures, or foreign key constraints. You must manually update these references.

  2. Triggers:
    Triggers associated with the table will be renamed along with the table.

5. Practical Example

Initial Table

CREATE TABLE employees ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), position VARCHAR(50) );

Rename the Table

RENAME TABLE employees TO staff;

Verify the Change



+------------------+ | Tables_in_dbname | +------------------+ | staff | +------------------+

6. Common Errors

  1. Table Does Not Exist: If the specified table does not exist, MySQL throws an error:

    ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'old_table_name'
  2. Name Conflict: If the new table name already exists, MySQL throws an error:

    ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 'new_table_name' already exists
  3. Insufficient Privileges: You need the ALTER and DROP privileges on the old table and the CREATE and INSERT privileges for the new table name.

7. Best Practices

  1. Backup Your Data:
    Always back up your database before renaming tables, especially in a production environment.

  2. Update Dependencies:
    Manually update views, stored procedures, application code, or foreign key constraints referencing the renamed table.

  3. Test in Development:
    Test the renaming operation in a development or staging environment to ensure there are no unforeseen issues.

Let me know if you need further details or assistance!

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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