Create Trigger in MySQL

Create Trigger in MySQL

Creating a Trigger in MySQL

A Trigger in MySQL is a special type of stored program that automatically executes in response to INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a table.

1. Syntax for Creating a Trigger

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name {BEFORE | AFTER} {INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE} ON table_name FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- SQL statements to execute END;
  • trigger_name → Name of the trigger.
  • BEFORE | AFTER → Defines whether the trigger fires before or after the event.
  • INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE → Specifies the event that activates the trigger.
  • table_name → Table on which the trigger is applied.
  • FOR EACH ROW → Ensures that the trigger executes for each affected row.

2. Creating a BEFORE INSERT Trigger

📌 Example: Automatically set the created_at timestamp when inserting a new employee.

CREATE TRIGGER before_employee_insert BEFORE INSERT ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET NEW.created_at = NOW(); END;


  • Before a new row is inserted into employees, the created_at column is set to the current timestamp (NOW()).
  • NEW refers to the new row being inserted.

3. Creating an AFTER INSERT Trigger

📌 Example: Log inserted employees into an employee_audit table

CREATE TRIGGER after_employee_insert AFTER INSERT ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO employee_audit(employee_id, action, action_date) VALUES (NEW.employee_id, 'INSERT', NOW()); END;


  • After a new employee is inserted into employees, an audit log is recorded.

4. Creating an AFTER UPDATE Trigger

📌 Example: Log salary changes for employees

CREATE TRIGGER after_employee_update AFTER UPDATE ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO salary_changes(employee_id, old_salary, new_salary, change_date) VALUES (OLD.employee_id, OLD.salary, NEW.salary, NOW()); END;


  • When the the salary column is updated in employees, the old and new salary values are logged.
  • OLD.salary refers to the previous salary, and NEW.salary refers to the updated salary.

5. Creating a BEFORE DELETE Trigger

📌 Example: Prevent deletion of employees with admin role

CREATE TRIGGER before_employee_delete BEFORE DELETE ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF OLD.role = 'admin' THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Cannot delete admin employees!'; END IF; END;


  • If an employee has the role 'admin', deletion is prevented using SIGNAL to raise an error.

6. Viewing Triggers

📌 List all triggers in the database


📌 View a specific trigger

SHOW CREATE TRIGGER after_employee_insert;

7. Dropping a Trigger

📌 Remove a specific trigger

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_employee_insert;

8. Summary

Triggers automate database tasks based on events (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
✔ Use BEFORE triggers to modify data before an operation.
✔ Use AFTER triggers to log changes or take additional actions.
✔ Use SHOW TRIGGERS; to list existing triggers.
✔ Use DROP TRIGGER trigger_name; to remove a trigger.

Would you like a trigger customized for your database? 🚀

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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