CSS clip Property

CSS clip Property


CSS clip Property

The clip property allows a rectangle to clip a positioned element. The rectangle is specified as four coordinates: top, right, bottom, left. The values of top and bottom specify offsets from the inside top border edge of the box, while the values of right and left specify offsets from the inside left border edge of the box. All four sides may be either a length or auto. "Auto" is the default value.

The clip property does not work if the value of the overflow property is set to visible.

If possible the newer clip-path property can be used instead because the clip property is deprecated.
Initial Valueauto
Applies to"Absolutely" positioned elements.
AnimatableYes. Background-color is animated.
DOM Syntaxobject.style.clip = "rect(10px,40px,40px,10px)";


clip: auto | shape | initial | inherit;

Example of the clip property: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Title of the document</title>
      img {
        position: absolute;
        clip: auto;
    <img src="/uploads/media/default/0001/01/003e5c463668d174ab70bea245c192d81901a4a6.png" alt="web.com">

In the following example, the rectangle clips the image according to the set values.

Example of the clip property with the "rect" value: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Title of the document</title>
      img {
        position: absolute;
        clip: rect(0px, 70px, 200px, 0px);
    <img src="/uploads/media/default/0001/01/003e5c463668d174ab70bea245c192d81901a4a6.png" alt="web.com logo">


autoDoes not clip an element. This is default value.
shapeClips an element. The only valid value is: rect (top, right, bottom, left).
initialIt makes the property use its default value.
inheritIt inherits the property from its parents' element.

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