CSS3 Properties
On this page, you can find all the CSS3 property groups with references and short descriptions.
List of CSS3 Properties¶
Animation Properties¶
Property | Description of |
animation | Animates (gradually changes from one style to another) CSS properties with discrete values. |
animation-delay | Specifies when an animation will start. |
animation-direction | Sets how animation should be played: forwards, backward or in alternate cycles. |
animation-duration | Defines the length of time (in seconds or milliseconds) that animation takes to complete one cycle of an animation. |
animation-fill-mode | Sets a style to the element when the animation is not executing (before it starts after it ends, or both). |
animation-iteration-count | Defines how many times the animation should be played. |
animation-name | Defines the name of the @keyframes rule you want to apply. It has two values: none and keyframe name. |
animation-play-state | Specifies if the animation is running or it is paused. |
animation-timing-function | Defines how the animation will progress over the duration of each cycle, not throughout the whole of the animation. |
@keyframes | The @keyframes at-rule is the basis for keyframe animations used to animate (gradually change from one style to another) many CSS properties. |
Background Properties¶
Property | Description |
background-clip | Specifies how far the background-color and background-image should be from the element. |
background-origin | Specifies the background positioning area of a background-image. |
background-size | Defines the size of the background image. |
Border Properties¶
Property | Description |
border-bottom-left-radius | Defines the round shape of the bottom left corner of the element. |
border-bottom-right-radius | Sets the rounding of the bottom-right corner of the element. |
border-image | Allows specifying an image as the border around an element. |
border-image-outset | Specifies the amount by which the border image is extended beyond the element’s border-box. |
border-image-repeat | Specifies if the border-image will be rounded, repeated, or stretched. |
border-image-slice | Specifies how to slice the image specified by border-image-source into nine regions: four corners, four edges, the middle part. |
border-image-source | Sets the source image for creating an element's border-image. |
border-image-width | Defines the width of the border-image. |
border-radius | Makes rounded corners for the outer border edge of an element. |
border-top-left-radius | Defines the rounding of the top left corner of the element. There are three kinds of rounding. |
border-top-right-radius | Defines the round shape of the top right corner of the element. There are three kinds of rounding. |
Color Properties¶
Property | Description |
opacity | Specifies the transparency of an element. |
Flexible Box Layout¶
Property | Description |
align-content | Aligns a flex container's lines, when there is available space vertically (on the cross-axis). |
align-items | Defines the default alignment for flex items. It is the same as the justify-content property but the vertical version. |
flex | Specifies the components of a flexible length. |
flex-basis | Defines the initial main size of the flexible item. |
flex-direction | Defines the main axis of a flex container and sets the order in which flex items appear. |
flex-flow | A shorthand property for the flex-wrap and flex-direction properties. |
flex-grow | Specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the items of the flex container. |
flex-shrink | Specifies how much the item will shrink relative to the rest of the items of the flex container. |
flex-wrap | Specifies if the flexible items should wrap or not. |
justify-content | Aligns the items when the items do not use all available space horizontally. |
order | Specifies the order of a flexible item inside the flex or grid container. |
Font Properties¶
Property | Description |
font-size-adjust | Controls the font size when the first selected font is unavailable. |
font-stretch | Makes the text narrower or wider. |
Multi-column Layout Properties¶
Property | Description |
column-count | Specifies the number of columns which divide the content of an element. |
column-fill | Controls the element’s content when it is divided into columns. |
column-gap | Sets the length of the gap between columns. |
column-rule | Defines the style, the width, and the color of the rule between columns. |
column-rule-color | Sets the color of the rule. |
column-rule-style | Defines the rule's style between columns. |
column-rule-width | Defines the width of the rule between columns. |
column-span | Specifies whether the element spans across one column or all columns. |
column-width | Defines the width of columns. |
columns | A shorthand property for column-count and column-width. |
Outline Properties¶
Property | Description |
outline-offset | Specifies the space between an outline and the border edge of an element. |
Text Properties¶
Property | Description |
tab-size | Sets the width of a tab character. |
text-align-last | Sets the alignment of the last line of the text. |
text-decoration-color | Sets the color of the text-decoration. |
text-decoration-line | Specifies the kind of line which will be used for text decoration. |
text-decoration-style | Specifies the style of the text-decoration. |
text-justify | Defines the behavior of spacing between words or characters. |
text-overflow | Specifies how the overflowing inline text should be signaled to the user. |
text-shadow | Allows adding shadows to the text. |
column-width | Defines the width of columns. |
word-break | Specifies where the lines should be broken. |
word-wrap | Allows breaking lines into words so as to fit in its container. |
Transform Properties¶
Property | Description |
backface-visibility | Specifies whether the back face of an element should be visible or not. |
perspective | Gives a 3D-positioned element some perspective and determines the distance between the z=0 plane. |
perspective-origin | Defines the position at which the user is looking at the 3D-positioned element. |
transform | Specifies two-dimensional or three-dimensional transformation of the element. |
transform-origin | Allows changing the position of the elements’ transformation. |
transform-style | Specifies how the children elements are rendered in three dimensional (3D) space. |
Transitions Properties¶
Property | Description |
transition | A shorthand property for the following properties: transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, transition-delay |
transition-delay | Specifies when the transition effect should start. |
transition-duration | Specifies how long the transition animation should take. |
transition-property | Specifies the names of the properties for the transition. |
transition-timing-function | Specifies transition proceeding over its duration allowing to change the speed. |
Visual formatting Properties¶
Property | Description |
overflow-x | Specifies whether the content should be hidden, visible, or scrolls horizontally when the content overflows the element’s left and right edges. |
overflow-y | Specifies whether the content should be hidden, visible, or scrolls vertically when the content overflows the element’s top and bottom edges. |
resize | Specifies how the element is resizable. |
box-shadow | Allows to implement multiple shadows around the box specifying values for color, size, blur, offset and inset. |
box-sizing | Defines the calculation of the width and height of an element, if they include padding and borders. |