Unicode Flag "u" and Unicode Property Escapes in JavaScript

Unicode Flag "u" and Unicode Property Escapes in JavaScript

Unicode Flag "u" and Unicode Property Escapes in JavaScript

In JavaScript regular expressions, the u flag and Unicode property escapes (denoted as \p{...}) offer powerful ways to work with Unicode characters in a more structured manner. These features allow you to match specific characters based on their Unicode properties, such as their category, script, or other characteristics.

1. The u Flag (Unicode Flag)

The u flag stands for "Unicode" and was introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6). When this flag is used, it enables the regular expression engine to properly handle characters that are outside the basic 16-bit range of Unicode (characters beyond \uFFFF, which include supplementary characters, such as emoji and certain rare scripts).

Without the u flag, JavaScript treats characters like emojis or characters from other languages as two separate characters (surrogate pairs). The u flag ensures these characters are correctly matched as a single unit.

Example Without the u Flag

let pattern = /😀/; // Matches the emoji let str = "I love coding 😀!"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // null (it doesn't match the emoji correctly)

Example With the u Flag

let pattern = /😀/u; // Correctly matches the emoji let str = "I love coding 😀!"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // ["😀"]

With the u flag, the 😀 emoji is correctly treated as a single character, ensuring proper matching.

2. Unicode Property Escapes (\p{...})

Unicode property escapes, introduced with the u flag, allow you to match characters based on their Unicode properties, like their category (letter, number, punctuation), script (e.g., Latin, Cyrillic), or other attributes. This is much more precise and flexible than simply using character ranges.


Unicode property escapes use the following syntax:

  • PropertyName: The category of the Unicode property, such as Letter, Number, Punctuation, Script, etc.
  • PropertyValue: The specific value or subcategory you're interested in.

Common Unicode Property Escape Examples

  1. Matching Letters (Any Letter)

    To match any Unicode letter (regardless of case or script):

    let pattern = /\p{L}/gu; // \p{L} matches any letter (uppercase or lowercase) let str = "Hello World 🌍"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", "W", "o", "r", "l", "d"]
    • \p{L}: Matches any letter (including letters from various scripts, such as Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, etc.).
    • g: Global flag to match all occurrences.
    • u: Unicode flag to handle characters properly beyond the basic 16-bit range.
  2. Matching Uppercase Letters

    If you want to match uppercase letters only:

    let pattern = /\p{Lu}/gu; // \p{Lu} matches uppercase letters only let str = "Hello World 🌍"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // ["H", "W"]
    • \p{Lu}: Matches any uppercase letter.
  3. Matching Numbers

    To match numeric digits:

    let pattern = /\p{N}/gu; // \p{N} matches any number (digit) let str = "The price is 100€"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // ["1", "0", "0"]
    • \p{N}: Matches any number (digit).
  4. Matching Specific Scripts

    You can match characters from a particular script using the Script property.

    let pattern = /\p{Script=Greek}/gu; // \p{Script=Greek} matches Greek letters let str = "I love coding in Python and ΕλληΜÎčÎșÎŹ"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // ["Ε", "λ", "λ", "η", "Îœ", "Îč", "Îș", "ÎŹ"]
    • \p{Script=Greek}: Matches Greek characters.
  5. Matching Punctuation

    To match any punctuation character:

    let pattern = /\p{P}/gu; // \p{P} matches punctuation characters let str = "Hello! How are you?"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // ["!", "?"]
    • \p{P}: Matches any punctuation character.

3. Combining u Flag and Unicode Property Escapes

When using Unicode property escapes, the u flag is mandatory. You need to combine both flags (g and u) for most use cases to ensure that the pattern works across all characters in the string and handles Unicode properly.

Example: Matching All Emojis in a String

let pattern = /\p{Emoji}/gu; // \p{Emoji} matches all emojis let str = "I love coding 😀 and testing 🚀!"; console.log(str.match(pattern)); // ["😀", "🚀"]
  • \p{Emoji}: Matches emoji characters.
  • g: Global flag to match all occurrences in the string.
  • u: Unicode flag to handle multi-codepoint characters like emojis.

4. Other Unicode Property Escape Categories

Here are some commonly used Unicode property categories and examples of how they work:

  • \p{Letter}: Matches any letter (both uppercase and lowercase).
  • \p{Uppercase_Letter}: Matches any uppercase letter.
  • \p{Lowercase_Letter}: Matches any lowercase letter.
  • \p{Digit}: Matches any digit (numeric character).
  • \p{Mark}: Matches diacritical marks (like accents and tilde).
  • \p{Punctuation}: Matches punctuation characters.
  • \p{Emoji}: Matches any emoji character.
  • \p{Script=Latin}: Matches any character in the Latin script.


The u flag and Unicode property escapes (\p{...}) significantly enhance the capabilities of regular expressions in JavaScript, particularly when dealing with Unicode characters. The u flag ensures that characters outside the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) are treated correctly, while Unicode property escapes allow you to match characters based on their Unicode properties, such as letters, digits, punctuation, or even specific scripts like Cyrillic or Greek.

These tools make it easier to work with multilingual text, emoji, and other non-ASCII characters, which is essential for modern web development.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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