Static Properties and Methods

Static Properties and Methods

Static Properties and Methods

The keyword static describes a static method for a class. So, it’s likely to assign a method to the class function and not to its "prototype". Methods like this are generally known as static.

In a class, they start with the static keyword, as follows:

class Car {

  static staticMethod() {

    console.log(this === Car);



Car.staticMethod(); // true

So, it’s the same as directly assigning it as a property:

class Car {}

Car.staticMethod = function () {

  console.log(this === Car);


Car.staticMethod(); // true

The class constructor Car is the value of this in Car.staticMethod() call. It’s according to the “object before dot” rule.

As a rule, developers use static methods for implementing functions that belong to the class and not to any specific object of it.

For example, you have Book objects, and a function is required to compare them. Adding method might be a natural solution. Here is an example:

class Book {

  constructor(title, date) {

    this.title = title; = date;


  static compare(bookA, bookB) {

    return -;



// usage

let books = [

  new Book("HTML", new Date(2020, 1, 1)),

  new Book("CSS", new Date(2020, 0, 1)),

  new Book("JavaScript", new Date(2020, 2, 1)),

  new Book("Git", new Date(2019, 11, 1))



console.log(books[0].title); // Git

In this example, stands “above” articles, as a means of distinguishing them. It’s not an article method, but the method of the whole class.

Another solution is the so-called “factory” method. Let’s see that few ways are necessary for creating an article:

  • To create it by specific parameters (datetitle, and more).
  • To create an empty article, including today’s date.
  • Somehow in another way.

You can implement the first way by the constructor. For the second one, you are recommended to make a static method of the class.

Like Book.createBookToday() in the following example:

class Book {

  constructor(title, date) {

    this.title = title; = date;


  static createBookToday() {

    // remember, this = Book

    return new this("Javascript", new Date());



let book = Book.createBookToday();

console.log(book.title); // Javascript

So, anytime you need to create the summary of today, you need to call Book.createBookToday().

Also, you have the option of using static methods in database-related classes for searching/saving/removing entities from the database, like here:

// assuming Book is a special class for managing articles
// static method to remove the article:
  id: 123

Static Properties

Before starting to learn, note that this is a recent addition to the language, and its examples work in the latest Chrome.

Static properties look like ordinary class properties, but starting with static, like this:

class Book {

  static site = "Web";


console.log(; // Web

So, it’s the same as a direct assignment to Book, like this: = "Web";

Inheritance of Static Properties and Methods

Static methods and properties are inherited.

Let’s take a look at here:

class Car {

  static planet = "Earth";

  constructor(name, speed) {

    this.speed = speed; = name;


  drive(speed = 0) {

    this.speed += speed;

    console.log(`${} drives with speed ${this.speed}.`);


  static compare(carA, carB) {

    return carA.speed - carB.speed;



// Inherit from Car

class MyCar extends Car {

  parked() {

    console.log(`${} is parked!`);



let cars = [

  new MyCar("White car", 60),

  new MyCar("Black car", 80)



cars[0].drive(); // White car drives with speed 60.

console.log(MyCar.planet); // Earth

So, at the time, we call, the inherited is called. It works as demonstrated in the picture below:

So, MyCar extends Car generates two [[Prototype]] references. They are the following:

  • The MyCar function inherits from the Car function.
  • The MyCar.prototype inherits from the Car.prototype.

Consequently, inheritance operates for regular, as well as static methods.

Let’s check it:

class Car {}

class MyCar extends Car {}

// for statics

console.log(MyCar.__proto__ === Car); // true

// for regular methods

console.log(MyCar.prototype.__proto__ === Car.prototype); // true


In general, developers use static methods for the functionality that belongs to the whole class. That doesn’t relate to a specific class instance.

For instance, a method for comparison, book2) or a so-called factory method Book.createBookToday().

Static properties are applied when it’s necessary to store class-level data, not bound to an instance.

Static methods and properties are considered inherited.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

Website that learns and reads, PHP, Framework Laravel, How to and download Admin template sample source code free.

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