Rest Parameters and Spread Syntax

Rest Parameters and Spread Syntax

Rest Parameters and Spread Syntax

JavaScript has a range of helpful features allowing developers to work with arrays and function parameters much effortlessly. In this chapter, the rest parameters and spread syntax are covered.

Rest Parameters ...

The rest parameter gives you a robust way to work with an indefinite quantity of parameters.

For better understanding what rest parameter is, let’s start from the beginning.

You can call a function with an unspecified number of arguments, no matter how it can be defined.

For instance:

function multiply(x, y) {

  return x * y;


console.log(multiply(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

No error can occur here, because of “enormous” arguments. But, only the first two are counted in the output.

You can include the rest of the parameters in the function definition using three dots, like this: . It must be followed by the array name containing them. The literal meaning of the dots is “gather the remaining parameters into an array.” Now, let’s cover this example:

function multiplyAll(...args) {

  let result = 1;

  for (let arg of args){

    result *= arg;


  return result;


console.log(multiplyAll(1)); // 1

console.log(multiplyAll(1, 2)); // 2

console.log(multiplyAll(1, 2, 3)); // 6

You have the option of getting the first parameters as variables gathering only the remaining part.

In the example below, the first two arguments get into variables, and the rest - into bookTitles array:

function welcomeSite(siteName, bookName, ...bookTitles) {

  console.log(' Welcome to ' + siteName + '’s ' + bookName + ' book' ); // Welcome to     Web JS book

  // the rest go into bookTitles array

  console.log(bookTitles[0]); // Arrays

  console.log(bookTitles[1]); // Functions

  console.log(bookTitles.length); // 2


welcomeSite("Web", "JS", "Arrays", "Functions");

Please, take into account that the rest parameters should be at the end. As they gather all the remaining arguments, there is no use in them, and they can cause an error:

function f(arg1,, arg2) { // arg2 after!!!!
  // error

The “arguments” Variable

We can distinguish a unique array-like object, called arguments. It includes all arguments by their index.

Like here:

function showSiteBooks() {




  // it's iterable

  // for(let arg of arguments){

 // console.log(arg);



// shows: 2, Javascript, Git

showSiteBooks("Javascript", "Git");

// shows: 1, Html, undefined (no second argument)


The curious thing about arguments is that although it is both array-like and iterable, it is not an array. The array methods can not work for it. So, can’t be called. Moreover, it always comprises the overall arguments. They can’t be captured partially.

It would be best if you remembered that arrow functions don’t have "arguments". If you decide to access the object of arguments from an arrow function, you can get this:

function argFunction() {

  let showArgs = () => console.log(arguments[0]);



argFunction(1); // 1

Spread Syntax

The spread syntax allows an array or a string to expand in the places where zero or more arguments or elements are expected. In other words, if you have a string, an array, or an object, and you wish to use all the values, you can spread them into function calls, new objects, or new arrays with a short syntax. Although the spread syntax looks like rest parameters, also using three dots , it does the opposite.

Whenever you use ...arr in the function call, it expands an iterable object arr to the list of arguments.

The case of Math.max looks as follows:

let arr = [6, 8, 2];

console.log(Math.max(...arr)); // 8 (spread makes array into a list of arguments)

You can pass different iterables as well, this way:

let arr1 = [2, -3, 5, 4];

let arr2 = [9, 2, -7, 2]; 

console.log(Math.max(...arr1, ...arr2)); // 9

You can integrate the spread syntax with normal values, as follows:

let arr1 = [2, -3, 5, 4];

let arr2 = [9, 2, -7, 2]; 

console.log(Math.max(3, ...arr1, 6, ...arr2, 18)); // 18

It is also desirable to use the spread syntax for merging arrays:

let arr = [5, 4, 9];

let arr2 = [6, 8, 12]; 

let merged = [1, ...arr, 3, ...arr2];

console.log(merged); // 1,5,4,9,3,6,8,12 (1, then arr, then 3, then arr2)

You can also use the spread syntax for turning the string into an array of characters.

Here is an example:

let str = "Web";

console.log([...str]); // W,e,b,k,h,s

The spread syntax uses iterators for gathering elements the same way as does for..of.

The Array.from can also be used for that task, as it converts an iterable into an array, like this:

let str = "Web"; 

// Array.from converts an iterable into an array

console.log(Array.from(str)); // W,e,b,k,h,s

It gives the same result as [...str].

But the subtle difference between the Array.from(obj) and [...obj] is that the first one operates on both iterables and array-likes, but the spread syntax can work only with iterables.


As you can notice, the three dots  in the code is either rest parameters or the spread syntax.

In this chapter, we represented an easy way of distinguishing between them:

  • Whenever the  is at the end of function parameters, it’s the “rest parameters”, gathering the rest of the arguments’ list into an array.
  • When  is in the function call, you deal with the spread syntax, which expands an array into a list.

Together they allow navigating between an array and a list of parameters smoothly.


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