PHP Constants

PHP Constants

PHP Constants

Suppose we have a variable that should not change its value in all project, we can define a variable for it, but it is not correct, because we can change it by accident in the project. For it, Php has constants.

Constants are the names of a value that does not change during the execution of the program.

In order to create a constant, we use to define a () function, in the following format.

  define (name, value, caseSensitive)


name - is a name of constant, which must comply with the same rules as the other names in PHP.

value - the value of constant.

caseSensitive - Optional parameter, it specifies whether the constant name should be case-insensitive (true) or not (false).

   define("pi", 3.14, true);
   // output 3.14

   echo (PI);
   // output 3.14


Constants are like variables except.

  • Constants have not $ sign
  • Constants can be defined only by using the define () function, instead of assigning values
  • Constants can be defined and accessed anywhere in project, which means that they are automatically global
  • Constants cannot change value, after defining

  Be careful, with the name of constants, __NAME__, is valid name for constant, but php have some Magic Constants, that is like __constantName__ syntax, and if one day php provides a magical constant __NAME__ that will break your script.

About magical constants we will talk later.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

Website that learns and reads, PHP, Framework Laravel, How to and download Admin template sample source code free.

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