Introduction to Browser Events in JavaScript

Introduction to Browser Events in JavaScript

Introduction to Browser Events in JavaScript

In JavaScript, events allow you to interact with a webpage by detecting user actions like clicks, key presses, scrolling, and more. The browser listens for these events and executes event handlers (functions) when they occur.

1️⃣ What is an Event?

An event is an action or occurrence detected by the browser, such as:
✔ Clicking a button (click)
✔ Pressing a key (keydown, keyup)
✔ Moving the mouse (mousemove)
✔ Scrolling the page (scroll)
✔ Submitting a form (submit)
✔ Loading a page (load)

2️⃣ Adding an Event Listener

Use addEventListener to attach an event to an element.

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function() { alert("Button clicked!"); });

This runs when the button is clicked.

HTML Example

<button id="btn">Click Me</button>

3️⃣ Types of Events

✔ Mouse Events

clickWhen an element is clicked
dblclickWhen an element is double-clicked
mousedownWhen a mouse button is pressed
mouseupWhen a mouse button is released
mousemoveWhen the mouse moves

Example: Click Event

document.addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("Page clicked!"); });

✔ Keyboard Events

keydownWhen a key is pressed
keyupWhen a key is released

Example: Detect Key Press

document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { console.log(`Key pressed: ${event.key}`); });

✔ Form Events

submitWhen a form is submitted
changeWhen an input value changes
focusWhen an input field is focused
blurWhen an input field loses focus

Example: Prevent Form Submission

document.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // Stops form from submitting console.log("Form submission prevented!"); });

✔ Window Events

loadWhen the page loads
resizeWhen the window is resized
scrollWhen the page is scrolled

Example: Detect Scrolling

window.addEventListener("scroll", () => { console.log("Scrolling..."); });

4️⃣ Removing an Event Listener

Use removeEventListener to stop an event from firing.

function showMessage() { console.log("Event triggered!"); } document.addEventListener("click", showMessage); // Remove event after 5 seconds setTimeout(() => { document.removeEventListener("click", showMessage); console.log("Event removed."); }, 5000);

5️⃣ Event Object (event)

The event object contains details about the event, like the target element and key pressed.

document.addEventListener("click", (event) => { console.log("Clicked element:",; });

Shows which element was clicked.

6️⃣ Event Propagation (Bubbling & Capturing)

Events bubble up from the target element to its parent elements.

document.getElementById("parent").addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("Parent clicked!"); }); document.getElementById("child").addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("Child clicked!"); });

✅ Clicking child will trigger both handlers due to bubbling.

7️⃣ Prevent Default Action

Some events have default behaviors, like form submission or link navigation.

document.querySelector("a").addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // Stops link from opening console.log("Link click prevented!"); });

🔥 Summary

✔ Events detect user interactions.
addEventListener attaches events.
removeEventListener detaches events.
event object provides details.
✔ Use preventDefault() to stop default actions.

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Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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