JavaScript Introduction

JavaScript Introduction

JavaScript Introduction

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, lightweight, interpreted computer programming language. It’s designed for creating network-centric apps. It has made modern web apps possible— apps with which you can interact directly without doing a page reload for every action. It’s also used in more traditional websites to provide different forms of interactivity and cleverness.

JavaScript is mostly used as a part of web pages. Implementations of JavaScript allow client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic web pages.

It’s a programming language with object-oriented capabilities. It’s a very strong client-side scripting language. JavaScript is an untyped interpreted programming language that is well-suited to object-oriented and functional programming styles. This programming language will help to make your webpage livelier and more interactive.

Things that make JavaScript great and unique:

  1. Full integration with HTML/CSS
  2. Simple things are done simply
  3. All major browsers support and enabled by default

JavaScript is the only browser technology that includes these three points. Now you understand why it’s the most widespread and powerful tool for creating browser interfaces. JavaScript helps to create servers, mobile applications, games, etc.

Why is it called JavaScript?

JavaScript programming language was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995. When JavaScript was created it was known as LiveScript. Netscape changed its name to JavaScript.

Important to know that JavaScript has almost nothing to do with the programming language called Java. The JavaScript name was inspired by marketing considerations. The Java programming language was being heavily marketed and popular when JavaScript was being introduced. After it was adopted outside of Netscape, a standard document was written to describe how the JavaScript language should work. JavaScript has a long way since it becomes a robust, powerful and efficient general-purpose language.

Why to use JavaScript?

Today, JavaScript is one of the most powerful, popular, and flexible programming languages. It provides dynamic behavior on most websites. JavaScript is used by the overwhelming majority of modern websites. JavaScript interpreters are included in all modern web browsers—on desktops, game consoles, tablets, and smartphones. This makes JavaScript the most ubiquitous programming language in history. JavaScript is a programming language that all Web developers should learn. HTML is needed to specify the content of web pages, CSS to specify the presentation of web pages, and JavaScript to specify the behavior of web pages.

This book will help you master the language.

JavaScript has a lot of advantages like:

  • Less server interaction
  • Immediate feedback to the visitors
  • Increased interactivity
  • Richer interfaces

What improvement JavaScript has?

There have been several versions of JavaScript programming language. ECMAScript version 3 was the most supported version between 2000 and 2010. Version 4 planned a number of radical improvements and extensions to the language, but it wasn’t done. Then version 5 came out, which made only some uncontroversial improvements, coming out in 2009. Version 6 came out in 2015 and had major updates that included some of the ideas planned for version 4.

Since then JavaScript had new, small updates every year. The fact that JavaScript is evolving means that browsers have to continually keep up. You should know that an older browser may not support every feature offered by JavaScript.

The designers of JavaScript are careful to not make any major changes that could break existing programs. This is done to allow new browsers run old programs. JavaScript is not only used on platforms like Web browsers. Databases like MongoDB and CouchDB, use JavaScript as their scripting and query language. Several platforms for desktop and server programming provide an environment for programming JavaScript outside of the browser (for example Node JS).

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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