Laravel - Generate PDF from HTML View File and Download Using DomPDF
In Laravel, you can generate and download PDFs using the Dompdf package. Below is a step-by-step guide to implement it.
1. Install DomPDF Package
Run the following command to install barryvdh/laravel-dompdf:
Then, add the service provider in config/app.php
(for Laravel 6):
Publish the package configuration (optional):
2. Create a Controller
Run the following command to generate a new controller:
Modify app/Http/Controllers/PDFController.php
3. Create a Blade View for PDF Content
Create a new Blade file:
4. Define Route for PDF Generation
Modify routes/web.php
5. Run the Application and Generate a PDF
Start the Laravel development server:
Now, visit the URL in your browser:
The PDF file document.pdf will be generated and downloaded automatically.
6. Additional Features
Show PDF in Browser Instead of Downloading
Customize Paper Size and Orientation
Use External CSS (Inline CSS is recommended, but you can include a stylesheet like this):
✅ Dompdf allows you to generate PDFs easily.
✅ Blade templates provide dynamic content rendering.
✅ Custom styling & layouts enhance document presentation.