Setting up a repository​ | Git init

Setting up a repository​ | Git init

Setting up a repository​ | Git init

What is git init?

The git init command is used to create a new Git repository in a project. This initializes an empty .git directory, which will store all the version history, branches, and configuration settings.

When to Use git init?

  • When starting a new project from scratch.
  • When adding Git version control to an existing project.
  • When recovering a lost .git folder in an untracked project.

How to Use git init

1. Navigate to Your Project Directory

Open your terminal or command prompt and go to the folder where you want to create a Git repository.

cd path/to/your/project

2. Initialize the Git Repository

Run the following command to initialize Git in your project:

git init

This creates a hidden .git folder inside the project directory, which stores all Git-related data.

3. Verify Initialization

To check if Git was initialized successfully, run:

git status

If the repository is empty, you'll see an output like this:

On branch main No commits yet nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)

4. Add Files to Git

Once your repository is initialized, add files to track them:

git add .

5. Commit the Changes

Save the current state of your project by making an initial commit:

git commit -m "Initial commit"

6. (Optional) Connect to a Remote Repository

If you want to link your local repository to a remote repository like GitHub:

git remote add origin git push -u origin main


The git init command is the first step in setting up version control for a project. By initializing a repository, you can start tracking changes, collaborating with others, and managing your project's history effectively.

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Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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