Git alias

Git alias

Git Alias: Create Shortcuts for Git Commands

Git aliases allow you to create shortcuts for frequently used Git commands, making your workflow faster and more efficient.

1. Creating a Git Alias

To create an alias, use:

git config --global alias.<shortcut> "<command>"

For example:

git config --global "status"

Now, you can run git st instead of git status.

2. Useful Git Alias Examples

🔹 Shorten Common Commands

git config --global "checkout" git config --global "branch" git config --global "commit -m" git config --global alias.df "diff" git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --graph --all --decorate"

📌 These aliases allow you to run commands like:

  • git co main → Instead of git checkout main
  • git br → Instead of git branch
  • git cm "Initial commit" → Instead of git commit -m "Initial commit"

🔹 Create a Better git log View

git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --graph --decorate --all"

📌 Now, running git lg will display a visual history of commits.

🔹 Undo Last Commit (But Keep Changes)

git config --global alias.uncommit "reset --soft HEAD~1"

📌 Running git uncommit undoes the last commit but keeps your changes.

🔹 Clean Untracked Files

git config --global alias.cleanall "clean -df"

📌 git cleanall removes untracked files and directories.

3. Listing All Aliases

To see all configured aliases, run:

git config --global --list | grep alias

4. Removing an Alias

If you want to remove an alias:

git config --global --unset alias.<shortcut>

For example, to remove git co:

git config --global --unset

🔹 Conclusion

Git aliases save time and reduce typing. Setting up custom aliases allows you to speed up your workflow and work more efficiently.

Do you want help setting up a specific alias? Let me know! 🚀

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

Website that learns and reads, PHP, Framework Laravel, How to and download Admin template sample source code free.

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