Lookahead and Lookbehind in JavaScript Regular Expressions

Lookahead and Lookbehind in JavaScript Regular Expressions

Lookahead and Lookbehind in JavaScript Regular Expressions

Lookahead and lookbehind are advanced features in regular expressions that allow you to match patterns based on what comes before or after a given point, without including those parts in the match itself. These features are particularly useful when you want to assert a condition but don't want to include those characters in the actual match result.

Both lookahead and lookbehind are zero-width assertions, which means they match a condition without consuming characters from the string.

1. Lookahead

Lookahead checks if a pattern is followed by another pattern, without including the second pattern in the match.

There are two types of lookahead:

  • Positive Lookahead ((?=...)): Asserts that a pattern is followed by another specific pattern.
  • Negative Lookahead ((?!...)): Asserts that a pattern is not followed by another specific pattern.

Positive Lookahead ((?=...))

The positive lookahead checks if the specified pattern appears next, without including it in the match.

Syntax: pattern(?=lookahead)

Example: Positive Lookahead

let pattern = /\d+(?=\D)/; let str = "123abc"; let result = pattern.exec(str); console.log(result[0]); // "123"


  • \d+ matches one or more digits.
  • (?=\D) ensures that the digits are followed by a non-digit character (\D), but the non-digit character itself is not included in the match.
  • In the string "123abc", the match is "123" because the digits are followed by the non-digit character "a", and the lookahead ensures that the match is valid without including the "a" in the match.

Negative Lookahead ((?!...))

The negative lookahead asserts that a given pattern is not followed by another specific pattern.

Syntax: pattern(?!lookahead)

Example: Negative Lookahead

let pattern = /\d+(?!\D)/; let str1 = "123abc"; let str2 = "123"; console.log(pattern.test(str1)); // false console.log(pattern.test(str2)); // true


  • \d+ matches one or more digits.
  • (?!\D) asserts that the digits are not followed by a non-digit character (\D).
  • In the string "123abc", the match fails because the digits "123" are followed by a non-digit character "a".
  • In the string "123", the match succeeds because the digits are not followed by any non-digit character.

2. Lookbehind

Lookbehind checks if a pattern is preceded by another pattern, without including the first pattern in the match.

There are two types of lookbehind:

  • Positive Lookbehind ((?<=...)): Asserts that a pattern is preceded by another specific pattern.
  • Negative Lookbehind ((?<!...)): Asserts that a pattern is not preceded by another specific pattern.

Positive Lookbehind ((?<=...))

The positive lookbehind checks if the specified pattern is preceded by another specific pattern, without including it in the match.

Syntax: (?<=lookbehind)pattern

Example: Positive Lookbehind

let pattern = /(?<=\d{3})abc/; let str = "123abc"; let result = pattern.exec(str); console.log(result[0]); // "abc"


  • (?<=\d{3}) ensures that the match is preceded by exactly three digits.
  • abc matches the literal string "abc".
  • In the string "123abc", "abc" is matched because it is preceded by the digits "123", which satisfy the lookbehind condition.

Negative Lookbehind ((?<!...))

The negative lookbehind asserts that a given pattern is not preceded by another specific pattern.

Syntax: (?<!lookbehind)pattern

Example: Negative Lookbehind

let pattern = /(?<!\d{3})abc/; let str1 = "123abc"; let str2 = "456abc"; console.log(pattern.test(str1)); // false console.log(pattern.test(str2)); // true


  • (?<!\d{3}) asserts that "abc" is not preceded by exactly three digits.
  • In the string "123abc", the match fails because "abc" is preceded by "123", which matches the negative lookbehind condition.
  • In the string "456abc", the match succeeds because "abc" is not preceded by "123".

3. Key Differences: Lookahead vs Lookbehind

DirectionChecks what comes after the patternChecks what comes before the pattern
Syntax(?=...) (positive), (?!...) (negative)(?<=...) (positive), (?<!...) (negative)
Includes Matched PatternDoes not include the pattern in the matchDoes not include the pattern in the match

4. Use Cases for Lookahead and Lookbehind

Use Case 1: Validating Input Patterns

You might want to ensure that certain characters appear before or after a specific pattern. For example, making sure a number is followed by a specific unit, or checking if a string doesn't start with certain characters.

Use Case 2: Extracting Complex Data

Lookahead and lookbehind are useful when extracting data based on certain conditions, such as matching a substring only if it’s preceded or followed by another substring.

Use Case 3: Conditional Matching

You can conditionally match patterns based on what precedes or follows them. This can help match complex structures like URLs, file names, or formatted numbers.

5. Conclusion

Lookahead and lookbehind are powerful tools in JavaScript regular expressions that allow for more complex pattern matching. They provide a way to check for conditions before or after a given point, without including those parts in the match.

  • Lookahead: Checks what comes after the match.
    • Positive Lookahead: (?=...)
    • Negative Lookahead: (?!...)
  • Lookbehind: Checks what comes before the match.
    • Positive Lookbehind: (?<=...)
    • Negative Lookbehind: (?<!...)

By using these assertions, you can make your regular expressions more powerful and flexible for complex text manipulation and validation tasks.

Soeng Souy

Soeng Souy

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